Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

فِي znamená v Angličtina

فِي شَكٍّ

in doubtunclear as to what to do

فِي ضَوْء

in view ofconsidering

فِي طَرِيق

en routeon the way

فِي ظَنِّي

in my opinionaccording to me

فِي كُلِّ مَكَانٍ

everywhereat all places

فِي كُلّ

perused in expressing ratios of units

فِي لَا مَكَان

nowherein no place

فِي مَا بَيْن

in betweenin the space between

فِي مَا يَتَعَلَق بِـ


فِي مَا يَخُصّ


فِي مَحَلِّ شَكّ

with a grain of saltwith common sense and skepticism

فِي مَسِيرَة

en routeon the way

فِي مَعِيَّة اللّٰه

Godspeed''used, especially at a parting, to express the wish that the outcome of the actions of a person (typically someone about to start a journey or a daring endeavour) is positive for them''

فِي مُؤَخَّرَة

abaft(nautical) on the aft side

فِي مُعْظَم

at mostat the most; at a maximum or upper limit

فِي مُقَابِل

as opposed toin contrast to

versusin opposition to

فِي مُنْتَصَف

midstin the middle of

فِي مُوَاجَهَة

oppositeacross from

فِي نَفْس اَلْوَقْت

at the same timesimultaneously|at once|simultaneously

فِي نِهايَةِ الْمَطاف

at the end of the dayin summary; ultimately

فِي نِهَايَةِ الْمَطَافِ

sooner or laterset phrase; eventually

فِي هٰذِهِ اَللَّحْظَة

at the momentright now

فِي وَضَح اَلنَّهَار

in broad daylightin ample natural illumination

فِي وَقْت لَاحِق

in retrospectas can be seen now but was not seen at the outset

فِي ٱلْمَاضِي

in the pastat a past time

فِي ٱلْمُسْتَقْبَل

in the futureat a future time

فِيبُونَاتْشِي m


فِيتَا f

fetaa variety of curd cheese

فِيتَامِين m

vitaminorganic compound essential to human health

فِيتِيبْسْك f


فِيتْنَام f

Vietnamid=Q881|country in Southeast Asia

فِيتْنَامِيَّة f

VietnameseVietnamese person


Vietnameseof or pertaining to Vietnam

VietnameseVietnamese person

فِيتْنَامِيّ m



PythagorasAncient Greek mathematician and philosopher

فِيجِي m

FijiFiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands

فِيدِيُو m

videomotion picture stored on VHS

videotelevision show, movie