Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

عَنْ znamená v Angličtina


fromwith the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at

fromwith the separation, exclusion or differentiation of

عَنْ ظَهْرِ ٱلْقَلْبِ

by heart

عَنْبَر m

ambergriswaxy substance produced by sperm whales

hangara large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept

عَنْبِيَّة حَادَة الخَبَاء




عَنْخ m

ankhcross shaped like a T with a loop at the top

عَنْدَلِيب m


عَنْزَة f


عَنْزَرُوت m

sarcocolla''A. sarcocolla'' resin; closely similar resins

عَنْف m

violenceaction intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering

عَنْقَاء f

phoenixmythological bird

عَنْقَز m

chicken poxdisease

عَنْكَبُوت m


عَنْكَبُوت بْرَازِيلِيّ جَوَّال

Brazilian wandering spiderDangerous spider of the Phoneutria genus, esp. ''P. fera'', ''P. nigriventer'', and ''P. boliviensis''

عَنْكَبُوت ذِئْبِيّ

wolf spiderany of several spiders of the family Lycosidae


addressto direct in writing

اِمْتَنَعَ ( عَنْ)

refrainto abstain (from)|abstain

refrainto keep oneself from action

بَيْت اَلْعَنْكَبُوت m

spiderwebnet-like construct of a spider

تَوَارَى عَنْ الْأَنْظَار

keep a low profileto be quiet

تُوت عَنْخ آمُون m

TutankhamunEgyptian pharaoh

حَيَوَان عَنْكَبُوتِيّ m

arachnideight-legged creature

حُوتُ الْعَنْبَر m

sperm whale''Physeter catodon''

خَارِجَ عَنْ m

extra-outside, beyond

شَبَكَة عَنْكَبُوتِيَّة عَالَمِيَّة f

World Wide Weball of the web pages on the Internet that hyperlink to each other and to other kinds of media

شَمَّرَ عَنْ سَاعِدِ الجِدِّ

roll up one's sleevesprepare to work

غَازِي عَنْتَاب


مُعَنْوَن m

entitledhaving a title - book etc

مُمْتَنِع عَنْ الْخُمُور

teetotalerperson who completely abstains from alcohol

مُمْتَنِع عَنْ الْمُسْكِرَات

teetotalerperson who completely abstains from alcohol

مُمْتَنِع عَنْ شُرْب الْكُحُول

teetotalerperson who completely abstains from alcohol

نَسِيج اَلْعَنْكَبُوت m

spiderwebnet-like construct of a spider