Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

عَدَا znamená v Angličtina


exceptintroducing a noun or noun phrase forming an exception or qualification


enemyof, relating to, or belonging to an enemy

hostilebelonging or appropriate to an enemy

عَدَالَة f

justicefairness, especially with regard to punishment

justicethe civil power dealing with law

عَدَاوَة f

enmityhostile or unfriendly disposition

hostilitystate of being hostile

إخْفَاق الْعَدَالَة m

miscarriage of justiceerror which led to an unjust outcome

الشَّمْعَدَان السَّبَاعِيّ

menorahseven-branch candelabrum

شَمْعَدَان m

candelabrumcandle holder

candlesticka holder with a socket or spike for a candle

مَا عَدَا


exceptintroducing a noun or noun phrase forming an exception or qualification

مُسَاعَدَات سَمْع f-p

hearing aidhearing assistance device