Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

ط znamená v Angličtina


stabto pierce or wound with pointed object

stingto hurt


tasteone of the sensations produced by the tongue

طَعْم m

flavorthe quality produced by the sensation of taste

طَعْمِيَّة f

falafelMiddle Eastern food


calumnyto make false accusations or levy false charges against a person with the intent to tarnish that person's reputation or standing|calumniate

طَعْن m

calumnyfalsifications or misrepresentations intended to disparage or discredit another

impeachmentact of impeaching or charging a public official with misconduct

stabact of stabbing

طَعْنَة f

stabwound made by stabbing


floatto be capable of floating

floatto be supported by a liquid

طَفَّايَة f

ashtrayreceptacle for ashes

طَفَّايَةُ حَرِيق f

fire extinguisherdevice for putting out a fire


slightsmall in amount, insignificant

طَفِيف التَوَغُّل

minimally invasiveminimizes cutting through the skin and tissues

طَفْح m

rasharea of inflamed and irritated skin characterized by reddened spots; illness characterized by a type of rash

طَفْح جِلْدِيّ m

rasharea of inflamed and irritated skin characterized by reddened spots; illness characterized by a type of rash


Timbuktudistant place

طَفْرَة f

mutationheritable change in genetic material

طَفْو m

buoyancyphysics: upward force on an immersed body

طَقْس m


weatherstate of the atmosphere

طَقْس دِينِيّ m


طَقْس مُقَدِّس m

ceremonyritual with religious significance

طَقْم m

setmatching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables

طَقْم الطُّبُول

drum kitcollection of drums and other percussion instruments played together

طَلَاق m

divorcelegal dissolution of a marriage

طَلَب m

demanddesire to purchase goods and services

orderrequest for some product or service


requestact of requesting

searchan attempt to find something

طَلَب زواج الزَّوَاج

proposalthe act of proposing a marriage


askmake a request

ask forrequest

demandto request forcefully

orderto request some product or service

requestto express the need or desire for

seekto try to find