Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

طب znamená v Angličtina

طب الأمراض الجلدية

dermatologythe study of the skin and its diseases

طب بديل

alternative medicineany of various medical methods and practices used in place of conventional medicine

طب تقليدي

folk medicinetraditional medical practices developed and used by non-physicians

طباعة الشاشة الحريرية

screen printingprinting method





according tobased on statement

طبيب الطاعون m

plague doctorplague doctor

طبيب نفساني

psychopharmacologistperson involved in psychopharmacology

أشجار الطبقة السفلى

understory(layer of) plants that grow in the shade of the canopy of a forest above the forest floor|undergrowth

اضطراب ثنائي القطب

bipolar disorderpsychiatric diagnostic category

الامتياز الطبقي

classismdiscrimination based on social class

الطباعة الحجرية

lithographyprinting method

تاريخ طبيعي

natural historystudy of the origins and evolution of all living things

خارق للطبيعَة

paranormalcannot be explained by scientific methods


betrothedfiancé or fiancée

شفق قطبي

northern lightsthe aurora of the northern hemisphere

صراع الطبقات

class strugglestruggle between classes

عدد طبيعي

natural numberpositive integer or non-negative integer

قابل للتطبيق

applicablesuitable for application; relevant

قرص طبي محلى

pastilleoften round and somewhat flat flavoured candy or sweet

كارثة طبيعية

natural disasternatural phenomenon

لوغاريتم طبيعي

natural logarithmlogarithm in base e

لَا ينطبق

n/anot applicable

مرطبان m

jarearthenware container

مصطبة f

benchlong seat


murtabaka dish

مُتَطبِّب m

physicianmedical doctor

نظارة طبية

reading glassesspectacles to deal with the effects of presbyopia