Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

رِيَاض znamená v Angličtina

رِيَاض m

kindergarteneducational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6

رِيَاض أَطْفَال m

kindergarteneducational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6

رِيَاضَة f

mathematicsfield of study

sportany athletic activity that uses physical skills

رِيَاضِيَّات p

mathematicsfield of study

رِيَاضِيَّة f

athleteperson who actively participates in physical sports

sportspersonsomeone who plays sport, regardless of gender

sportswomanwoman who engages in sports


mathematicalof, or relating to mathematics

رِيَاضِيّ m

athleteperson who actively participates in physical sports

mathematicianexpert in mathematics

sportsman(male) athlete

sportspersonsomeone who plays sport, regardless of gender

القَدَم الرِيَاضِي m

athlete's footfungal infection

تَحْلِيل رِيَاضِيّ m

analysisin mathematics

mathematical analysisThe mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals.

حِذَاء رِيَاضِيّ m

sneakerleisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers

حِزَام رِيَاضِيّ m

jockstrapan athletic supporter

رُوح رِيَاضِيَّة f

sportsmanship(good) behavior in sports

صَالَة رِيَاضِيَّة f

gymsporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise

مَمْشىً رِيَاضِيٌّ m

treadmillpiece of indoor sporting equipment