Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

رُوب znamená v Angličtina

غُبَيْرَاء أُورُوبِّيَّة f

rowan''Sorbus aucuparia''

غُرُوب m

nightfallthe close of the day; the coming of night

smokefallclose of the day before nightfall, when fog comes

sunsettime of day

غُرُوب اَلشَّمْس m

sunsetchanges in color of sky at sunset

فَرَنْسَا الأُورُوبِّيَّة f

metropolitan Francepart of France


cherub(''biblical'') winged creature attending on God

مَجْلِس أُورُوبَا m

Council of European international organisation|CoE

مَرْكَزِيَّة أُورُوبِّيَّة f

Eurocentrismpractice of viewing the world from a European perspective

مَشْرُوب m


drinkserved beverage

مَشْرُوب الطَّاقَة m

energy drinkcaffeinated soft drink

مَشْرُوب رُوحِيّ m

alcoholintoxicating beverage

مَشْرُوب غَازِيّ m

sodasweet, carbonated drink

soft drinksweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage

مَشْرُوب كُحُولِيّ m

alcoholintoxicating beverage

مُكَعَّب رُوبِيك m

Rubik's cubecubical mechanical puzzle

مِيكْرُوب m


microorganisman organism too small to be seen by unaided eye

مِيكْرُوبَاص m

minibusa small bus

نَيْرُوبِي f

Nairobicapital of Kenya

هُرُوب m

escapeact of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation


Indo-Europeanlanguage family


Indo-Europeanof or relating to languages originally spoken in Europe and Western Asia

يُرُوبْيُوم m

europiumchemical element

يُورُوبُوب m

EuropopEuropean pop music

EuropopEuropean pop music

يُورُوبُول m

Europolthe criminal intelligence agency of the European Union


História vyhľadávania