Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

رَم znamená v Angličtina

رَمْيَة سَاحِقَة f

slam dunkimpressively forceful dunk

رَمْيَةٌ اِنْسِيَابِيَّةٌ f

layup(basketball) A close-range shot

رَمْيَةُ تَمَاسّ f

throw-inthrow of the ball back into play

المَنّ الرَمَاد

manna ash''[[Fraxinus ornis]]''


respectto have respect for


twistto turn the ends in opposite directions

بَرَمَ عَيْنْ عَيْنَيْهِ

roll one's eyesturn one's eyes upwards



تِرَمْبِيٌّ m

Trumpianresembling or pertaining to the philosophy, rhetoric, and style of Donald Trump

حَجَر رَمْلِيّ m

sandstonesand/clay sedimentary rock

حَرَم اَلْجَامِعَة m

campusgrounds or property of a school, etc.

حَرَمَ مِنَ ٱلْوَرَاثَة

disinheritto exclude from inheritance

حَرَمْلِك m

haremthe private part of an Arab household

حِكَايَة رَمْزِيَّة f

fairy talefolktale

سَاعَة رَمْلِيَّة f



cleave''transitive'' to split or sever

عَاصِفَة رَمْلِيَّة f

duststormA storm of dust

sandstormstrong wind carrying clouds of sand

عَمُود رَمْز m

totem polesculpture

عِلْم الرَمْل

geomancytype of divination

فَرَمَلَة f

brakedevice used to slow or stop a vehicle

قَهْرَمَان m

butlerchief male servant

قَهْرَمَان مَرْعَش

Kahramanmaraşcity and province in Turkey

كَرَم m

generositytrait of being willing to donate

hospitalityact or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests

munificencethe quality of being munificent; generosity

كَرَمْبُولَا f

star fruitfruit

كَهْرَمَان m

amberfossil resin

لَا جَرَمَ

no doubtwithout a doubt

مَحْرَمَة f

handkerchiefcloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands

مِقْرَم m

bedspreadtopmost covering of a bed

هَرَم m

agingthe process of becoming older or more mature

pyramidancient construction


pyramidin geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base

هَرَم أَكْبَر m

Great Pyramid of Gizathe largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids

هَرَم خُوفُو m

Great Pyramid of Gizathe largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids

هَرَم سُكَّانِيّ m

population pyramidgraphical illustration of the distribution of a population by age groups and sex

وَرَم m

tumoroncology, pathology: an abnormal growth

وَرَم تُوتِيّ m



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