Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

خَطّ znamená v Angličtina


linepath through two or more points, threadlike mark

scripta system of writing

خَطّ m

calligraphyart of writing beautifully

fonta computer file containing the code used to draw and compose the glyphs

fonttypesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs

handwritingcharacteristic writing of a particular person

linesingle horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc.

linetelephone or network connection

strokeline or mark made on a surface by an implement for drawing, writing, etc.

خَطّ أَحْمَر m

red linea boundary or limit which should not be crossed

red linea line dividing ice rink in half

خَطّ أَزْرَق m

blue lineice hockey: line

خَطّ أَمَامِيّ m

front linemilitary boundary between opposing positions

خَطّ الطُّول m

meridiangreat circle on the Earth’s surface, passing through the geographic poles

خَطّ اَلطَّاقَة

power lineelectrical wire

خَطّ اَلْكَهْرَبَاء

power lineelectrical wire

خَطّ ثَقِيل

Estrangeloa form of Syriac script

خَطّ سَاخِن m

hotlinetelephone line that is able to give immediate assistance

خَطّ عَرْض

latitudeangular distance north or south from the equator

خَطّ مَائِل m

slashtypography: / symbol

خَطّ مَفْتُوح

Estrangeloa form of Syriac script

خَطّ يَد m

handwritingcharacteristic writing of a particular person

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