Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

خَارِج znamená v Angličtina


outaway from the inside

out offrom the inside to the outside of

out ofnot in a customary or desired state

outsideon the outside of


outsideouter surface

outwithoutside; beyond; outside of

خَارِج m

outgoinggoing out, on its way out

quotientnumber resulting from division

خَارِج قِسْمَة m

quotientnumber resulting from division

خَارِجَ عَنْ m

extra-outside, beyond


externaloutside of something

extraneousnot belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing

Kharijitemembers of a reactionary Islamic sect in the 7th and 8th centuries

اِلَى الْخَارِج

abroadin foreign countries

حُدُود خَارِجِيَّة

profileoutermost shape

فَضَاء خَارِجِيّ

outer spaceregion

فِي الْخَارِج

abroadin foreign countries

فِي اَلْخَارِج


قَائِم خَارِجَ الْأَرْض

extraterrestrialoriginating from outside of the Earth

كَوْكَب خَارِج اَلْمَجْمُوعَة اَلشَّمْسِيَّة m

exoplanetplanet outside Earth's solar system

هَيْكَل خَارِجِيّ

exoskeletonhard outer structure

وَزِير الْخَارِجِيَّة m

foreign ministercabinet official

وَصْلَة خَارِجِيَّة f

external link