Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

حَل znamená v Angličtina


Saturnianinhabitant of Saturn

شِرْش الْحَلاوَة m


صَنَاعَةُ الْحَلْوَيَات f

sweetshopshop selling predominantly confectionery

عِرْق الْحَلاوَة m


فُسْتُق حَلَبِيّ


فِي مَحَلِّ شَكّ

with a grain of saltwith common sense and skepticism

لَا تَبْكِ عَلَى اَلْحَلِيب اَلْمَسْكُوب

cry over spilt milkto worry about unfortunate events which have already happened

مَجَرَة حَلَزُونِيَّة f

spiral galaxygalaxy having a number of arms


localof a nearby location

مَحَلّ m

shopestablishment that sells goods

مَحَلّ الْفَخَّار m

potteryworkshop where pottery is made

مَحَلّ الْفَخَّارِيَّات m

potteryworkshop where pottery is made

مَحَلّ تَجْمِيل m

beauty parlorsalon with hairdressers and beauticians

مَحَلّ لِلْحِلَاقَة m

barbershopbarber’s shop

مَخْفُوق اَلْحَلِيب m

milkshakemilk and ice cream beverage

مَرْحَلَة f

levelgaming: discrete segment of a game

phasedistinguishable part of a sequence

roundsegment of a sport event


مَرْحَلَة زَمْنِيَّة

periodhistory: period of time seen as coherent entity

مَنْحَل m

apiarya place where bees and hives are kept

beehivehome of bees

beehiveman-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey

مُحَلَّف m

jurorjury member

مُحَلَّفِين m-p

jurygroup in a court of law

مُحَلِّل m

analystperson who analyses

مُحَلِّيّ m

sweetenerfood additive

مِدْحَلَة f

road rollerheavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt

هَيْئَةُ مُحَلَّفِين f

jurygroup in a court of law