Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

حا znamená v Angličtina

على أي حال

in any caseat any rate

على كل حال

anywayused to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement

عين حارّة

evil eyewicked look conveying dislike or envy believed to be able to cause bad luck or injury; the ability to cause bad luck or injury through such a look


aloneby oneself

by oneselfwithout help

لسان حال

advocateperson who speaks in support of something

محارب للحرية

freedom fighterfighter

محافظة f

governorateterritory ruled by a governor

محافظة البحر الأحمر

Red Sea Governorategovernorate of Egypt

محاكمة شكلية

show trialtrial held for appearance's sake

محاماة f

advocacythe profession of an advocate

محامي m

advocateperson who argues the case of another

محامية f

advocateperson who argues the case of another

موجة حاملة

carrier wavewave that can be modulated to transmit signals

مَتاع الحاسب

hardwarematerial part of a computer

مَوْجَة حامِلة f

carriersignal modulated to transmit information

مِيَاه حارَّة

hot springnatural spring producing water whose temperature is greater than about 20°C (68° F)


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