Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

جِهَاز znamená v Angličtina

جِهَاز m

apparatuscomplex machine or instrument

appliancea device in its own right

devicepiece of equipment

gadgetany device or machine

playerelectronic device

systemgroup or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole

جِهَاز إِسْقَاط m

projectoroptical device

جِهَاز العَرُوس m

trousseaubridal clothes

جِهَاز الْجَرْي m

treadmillpiece of indoor sporting equipment

جِهَاز الْمَشْي m

treadmillpiece of indoor sporting equipment

جِهَاز الْمُخَابَرَات m

intelligencedepartment, agency or unit

جِهَاز اَلدَّوَرَان m

cardiovascularrelating to the circulatory system

circulatory systemparts of an animal body which circulate the blood around the body

جِهَاز اَلْغُدَد اَلصَّمَاء m

endocrine systemsystem of ductless glands

جِهَاز تَنَاسُلِيّ m

reproductive systemreproductive system

جِهَاز تَنَفُّسِيّ

respiratoryrelating to respiration

جِهَاز تِلِفِزْيُون m

televisiondevice for receiving television signals

جِهَاز سَيْر m

treadmillpiece of indoor sporting equipment

جِهَاز عَصَبِيّ m

nervous systemsystem which coordinates the activity of the body

جِهَاز قَلْبِيّ وِعَائِيّ m

cardiovascularrelating to the circulatory system

جِهَاز لِمْفَاوِيّ m

lymphatic systemnetwork of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes

جِهَاز مَزْج m

synthesizermusic: an electronic instrument module without a keyboard

synthesizermusic: an electronic keyboard instrument

جِهَاز هَضْمِيّ m

digestivesubstance that aids digestion

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