Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

جُبْن znamená v Angličtina

جُبْن m

cheesedairy product

جُبْن رَطِب m

soft cheeseA standard type of infirm and little-ripened cheese

جُبْن رِيكُوتَّا m

ricottaItalian whey cheese

جُبْن قَرِيش m

cottage cheesecheese curd product

جُبْن يَابِس m

hard cheeseA standard type of firm, ripe cheese

جُبْنَة زَرْقَاء f

blue cheesekind of cheese with bluish mold

كَعْكَة الْجُبْنِ f

cheesecakedessert food

مَاء الْجُبْن m

wheyliquid remaining after milk has been curdled

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