Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

جَار znamená v Angličtina

جَار m

neighboura person living on adjacent or nearby land

جَار الْمَاء m

alderany tree or shrub of the genus ''Alnus''

جَارة f

co-wifein a polygamous marriage, another wife of a woman's husband

neighboura person living on adjacent or nearby land


currentexisting or occurring at the moment


جَارُور m

draweropen-topped box in a cabinet used for storing


bitingcutting or incisive

grosslacking refinement in manner; offending morality

جَارِيَّة f

odalisquea female harem slave

جَارّ m

prepositiongrammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by"

جَارْدِيَان f


إِعْلَان تِجَارِيّ m

commercialadvertisement in a common media format

إِيجَار m

rentpayment made by a tenant

اَلِٱنْفِجَار الْعَظِيم m

Big Bangcosmic event

اِتِّجَار بِالْبَشَر m

human traffickingcriminal activity in which people are recruited, etc. to serve an exploitative purpose

اِنْفِجَار m

explosionviolent release of energy

اِنْفِجَار شَمْسِيّ m

solar flareviolent explosion


explosivewith the capability to, or likely to, explode

اِنْفْجَارِي m


تَجَارِبُ عَلَى الْحَيْوَان m-p

animal testinguse of non-human animals in scientific experimentation

تِجَارَة f

businessoccupation, work or trade of a person

commercelarge scale trade

tradebusiness given by customers

tradebuying and selling

تِجَارَة إِلِكْتْرُونِيَّة f

e-commercecommercial activity conducted via the Internet

تِجَارَة حُرَّة f

free tradetrade free from government interference


commercialof or pertaining to commerce

جَاجَارِين m

GagarinRussian surname

حِسَاب جَارٍ m

current accountchecking account

دِيفَانَاجَارِي m

Devanagariabugida alphabet of India and Nepal

Devanagariabugida alphabet of India and Nepal

سِيجَار m

cigartobacco product

cigartobacco product

سِيجَارَة f

cigarettetobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked

سِيجَارَة إِلِكْتْرُونِيَّة f

electronic cigaretteelectronic cigarette

سْرِينَاجَار m

Srinagarsummer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, India

شَرِيك تِجَارِيّ m

trading partnercountry that another country does business with

شِجَار m

argumentverbal dispute; a quarrel

disputeverbal controversy