Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

اِسْت znamená v Angličtina

اِسْتِبَانَة f

questionnaireform containing a list of questions

surveyan examination of the opinions of a group

اِسْتِبْدَاد m

autocracyform of government

despotismgovernment by a singular authority

tyrannygovernment in which a single ruler has absolute power


authoritariandemanding obedience to authority; dictatorial

اِسْتِثْمَار m

investmentplacement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use

اِسْتِثْنَاء m

exceptionact of excepting or excluding; exclusion

exceptioncomputing: an interruption in normal processing

exceptionthat which is excepted or taken out from others


exceptionalforming an exception

exceptionalsuperior due to exception or rarity

extraordinarynot ordinary

اِسْتِثْنَائِيّ m

supernaturalnot of the usual

اِسْتِجْمَام m

recreationactivity that diverts, amuses or stimulates

اِسْتِجْوَاب m

interrogationact of interrogating or questioning

اِسْتِحْمَام m

bathact of bathing

اِسْتِخْدَام m

useact of using

اِسْتِدْعَاء m

subpoenawrit requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony

summonscall to do something, especially to come

summonsnotice summoning someone to appear in court

اِسْتِذْكَار m

mnemonicsomething used to help in remembering a thing


rest arearest area along a road

اِسْتِرَاحَة f

breakrest or pause, usually from work

coffee breaka rest period during the business day providing the opportunity to drink coffee


restrelief afforded by sleeping; sleep

tea breaka short break or rest period during the day when a cup of tea or coffee is drunk

اِسْتِرُونْتِيُوم m

strontiumchemical element

اِسْتِرْخَاءْ m

relaxationact of relaxing or the state of being relaxed



اِسْتِسْقَاء m


اِسْتِسْلَام m

capitulationsurrender to an enemy

اِسْتِشَارَة f

consultationact of consulting

اِسْتِشْراق m

Oriental studiesan academic field of study that embraces Near Eastern and Far Eastern societies and cultures, languages, peoples, history and archaeology

orientalismthe tendency to represent eastern subjects

اِسْتِشْهَاد m

quotea statement attributed to someone

اِسْتِطَاعَة f

abilityquality or state of being able

اِسْتِطْلَاع m

reconnaissanceact of gathering information

اِسْتِعَادَة f

recoveryact or process of regaining or repossession of something lost