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الخ znamená v Angličtina

الخلية الحرة

FreeCellcard game

الخنفساء النمرية

tiger beetleany active, carnivorous beetle of the subfamily Cicindelinae




Taylorsurname associated with "tailor"

الجزيرة الخضراء

Algecirascity in Andalusia, Spain

الجُزُرُ الخَالِدَات f-p

Canary Islandsan archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa

السندات الخضراء - سندات المناخ

green bondA fixed-income financial instrument used for supporting programs that have positive environmental and/or climate benefits

الطاقة الخضراء

green energynon-polluting energy

الطَّابُورُ الخَامِس m

fifth columna group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal

اللهجة الخليجية f

Gulf Arabicvariety of the Arabic language

النزعَة إلى الخير m

benevolencedisposition to do good

الهلال الخصيب m

Fertile Crescentcrescent-shaped arc of fertile land

تفاح الخشب

wood apple''Limonia acidissima''

حافلة النقل الخارجي f

coachlong-distance bus

رَهَاب الخَلَاء m

agoraphobiafear of open spaces

زبون بارات أو حانات الخمر

barflyperson who spends much time in a bar

زَوْجةُ الخال

aunta parent's sister or sister-in-law

زَوْجُ الخالة m

unclebrother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent

سِفْرُ الخَلِيقَة m

Genesisbook of the Bible

شَارِب الخَمْر m

tipplerhabitual drinker

صُدَاع الخَمْر m

hangovernegative effects caused by heavy drinking

عصارة الخلية

cytosolthe solution of a cell's cytoplasm

عَنْبِيَّة حَادَة الخَبَاء


عُود الخُبْز m

breadstickslender loaf of crisp bread

غاز الخردل

mustard gasvesicant gas

قَمْل الخَشَب m

woodlouseany species of suborder Oniscidea

مُعَاقِر الخَمْر m

tipplerhabitual drinker

نسيج الخشب m

xylembotany: vascular tissue in land plants

يشرب الخمر

winedrink wine