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اف znamená v Angličtina


presumablyable to be sensibly presumed

افيون قره‌حصار


آلافٌ مُؤَلَّفَة m-p

hundreds and thousandsindefinite but emphatically large number

آلَة صَرَّاف آلِيّ f

automated teller machinebanking


browbeatto bully in an intimidating way

intimidateto make timid or fearful

أَسْفَلُ سَافِلِينَ

lowest of the low


addto append (e.g. a statement); to say further information; to add on


overreachto reach above or beyond, especially to an excessive degree

أُمّ التَلَافِيف f

omasumthe third part of the stomach of a ruminant


Comorianpertaining to the Comoros

إضَافَة f

additionact of adding

إضْعَاف m

abatementthe act of abating or the state of being abated

إِسْرَاف m

extravaganceexcessive expenditure

prodigalitywasteful extravagance.

إِسْعَافَات أَوَّلِيَّة m-p

first aidbasic care

إِسْكَاف m

cobblerperson who repairs, and sometimes makes, shoes

shoemakera person who makes shoes

إِسْكَافِيّ m

shoemakera person who makes shoes

إِسْكَنْدِنَافْيَا f

ScandinaviaDenmark, Norway, and Sweden

إِسْكَنْدِينَافِيَا f

ScandinaviaDenmark, Norway, and Sweden

Scandinavian Peninsulapeninsula in Northern Europe|Scandinavia

إِضَافَة f

construct statea noun form, associated with the genitive

ezafegrammatical particle

إِضَافَةً عَلى ذٰلِكَ

in additionalso; as well


furthermore distant

genitiveof or pertaining to the case of possession


إِطَار النَافِذَة m

window frameframework around a window

إِنْحِرَاف m

deviationact of deviating


evenhandednessquality or state of being evenhanded

fairnessproperty of being just, equitable

إِيقَاف m

suspensecondition of being suspended

إِيقَاف الْحَرَكَة m

stop-motionanimation technique


hijackingact of one who hijacks

اختطاف m

hijackinstance of hijacking of a vehicle

الأم الجافية

dura materoutermost layer of the meninges

البافارية f

BavarianGerman dialect


Zouavea Kabyle or French soldier in Kabyle dress

القدرة على التعافي بعد الصدمة

resilienceability of a system or company to recover


História vyhľadávania