Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

إِي znamená v Angličtina

إِيرْكُوتْسْك m

Irkutskcity in Siberia

إِيرْلَنْدِيَّة f

Irishthe people


Irishpertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people

إِيرْلَنْدِيّ m

Irishthe people

إِيسُوب m

Aesopancient Greek author

إِيسْلَنْدَا f

Icelandid=Q189|country in Europe

إِيشِيكَاوَا f

IshikawaIshikawa, Japan

إِيصَال m

receiptwritten acknowledgement

إِيطَالِيَا f

Italyid=Q38|country in southern Europe

إِيطَالِيَّة f

Italianinhabitant of Italy


Italianof or pertaining to Italy

إِيطَالِيّ m

Italianinhabitant of Italy


إِيفَان m

Ivanmale given name

إِيفَانُوفُو m

Ivanovocity in Russia

إِيقَاع m

rhythmvariation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time

إِيقَاف m

suspensecondition of being suspended

إِيقَاف الْحَرَكَة m

stop-motionanimation technique


ecologicalrelating to ecology

إِيكِيبَانَا f

ikebanaJapanese art of flower arrangement

إِيكِيدْنَا f

echidnaany of the four species of small spined monotremes

إِيل جَبَل m

Elagabalusa Roman emperor|Heliogabalus

Heliogabalusa Roman emperor|Elagabalus

إِيلَات f

Eilata city in southern Israel

إِيلِكْس m

hollyany of various shrubs or small trees of the genus ''Ilex''


Aelitagiven name

إِيلِيسْتَا f

Elistacity in Russia

إِيلِيَا m

Elijahbiblical prophet

إِيمَان m

faithfeeling that something is true

faithreligious belief system

إِيمَيْل m

emailmessage sent through email an email system

emailsystem for transferring messages from one computer to another

إِيمُو m


إِيمُوجِي m

emojidigital graphic icon

إِينْجِيرَا f

injerabread made from teff

injerabread made from teff

إِيوَاتِه m

IwateIwate, Japan

إِيَاس m

menopauseending of menstruation

إِيَالَة f

eyalet(historical) a former administrative division or province of the Ottoman Empire

vilayetone of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire