Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

أَو znamená v Angličtina

أَوْنْس m

ounce28.3495 g

إِسْعَافَات أَوَّلِيَّة m-p

first aidbasic care

الشَّرْق الْأَوْسَط m

Middle Eastregion comprising Western Asia without the South Caucasus and additionally including all of Egypt and all of Turkey

الْعَرْضُ ٱلْأَوَّل m

premierefirst showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment

اَلْحُبّ اَلْأَوَّل m

first loveone's first feeling of romantic love

اَلْكَرّ أَوْ اَلْفَرّ

fight-or-flightphysiological response to stress or emergency situations

تِشْرِين الْأَوَّل m

Octobertenth month of the Gregorian calendar

جُسَيْم أَوَّلِيّ

elementary particlesubatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles

حَرْف أَوَّلِيّ m

initialfirst letter of a word

حَيّ أَوْ مَيِّت

dead or alivewanted poster term

رَبِيع الْأَوَّل m

Rabi Ithird month of the Islamic calendar

رَشَاد عَرِيض الْأَوْرَاق m

dittander''Lepidium latifolium''

سُوق الْأَوْرَاق الْمَالِيَّة m

stock exchangebuilding and the associated organization

stock marketmarket for the trading of company stock

شَرْق أَوْسَطِيّ

Middle Easternof or relating to the Middle East

ضِرْم ضَيِّق الْأَوْرَاق m


طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا

willy-nillywhether desired or not; without regard for consequences or wishes of those affected

طُرَّةٌ أَو نَقْشٌ

heads or tailsheads or tails

عَاجِلاً أَو آجِلاً

sooner or laterset phrase; eventually

عَدَد أَوَّلِيّ m

prime numbernatural number

عَدَد غَيْر أَوَّلِيّ m

composite numbernumber that is the product of two natural numbers other than itself and 1

عِلْم أَوْبِئَة m

epidemiologybranch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations

عِلْم اَلْأَوْرَام m

oncologybranch of medicine

كَانُون الْأَوَّل m

Decembertwelfth month of the Gregorian calendar

لِأَوَّلِ وَهْلَةٍ

on the face of itas far as can be seen or determined

مَضِيق أَوْرِيْسُنْد m

Soundstrait that separates Zealand from Scania

نَظَرِيَّة الأَوْتَار f

string theorycandidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles

وَادِي أَوْسْتَا m

Valle d'Aostaregion of northwestern Italy

يُو أَف أَو

UFOan unidentified flying object