Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

أَصْفَر znamená v Angličtina



أَصْفَر m

yellowhaving yellow as its colour

أَصْفَر اَلْبَيْض m

yolkyellow of egg

الْبَحْر الْأَصْفَر m

Yellow SeaAsian sea

اَلنَّهْر اَلْأَصْفَر m

Yellow RiverMain river of the North China Plain

رَهَج أَصْفَر m

orpimentarsenic trisulphide

زَاج أَصْفَر

iron(III) sulfateFe2(SO4)3

شَاي أَصْفَر m

yellow teaChinese drink

قَمِيص أَصْفَر m

yellow jerseyyellow jersey or shirt worn by the leader of a stage of a cycling race, which is then awarded to the cyclist who wins the race with the fastest overall time

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