Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

آل znamená v Angličtina

آلِيسْتَر m

Aleistermale given name

Alistairmale given name

آلِيَّة f

mechanismmechanical means for the conversion or control of motion


automaticcapable of operating without external control



آلْف m

elfmythical, supernatural being


elvenbelonging or relating to, or characteristic of, elves|elfin|elflike

أُمّ اللَّآلِئ f

mother-of-pearlpearly layer

إِنْسَان آلِيّ m

robotintelligent mechanical being

تَعَدُّد الْآلِهَة

polytheismbelief in the existence of multiple gods

ثَمَانِيَة آلَاف

eight thousandcardinal number

ثَمَرَة زَهْرَة اَلْآلَام f

passion fruitedible fruit

جُمْعَة الْآلَام f

Good FridayThe Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified

حَفَّارَة آلِيَّة f


رَجُل آلِيّ m

robotintelligent mechanical being

زَوْرَق آلِيّ m

motorboatboat driven by an engine

سورة آل عمران

Amramites3rd sura of the Qur'an

سُنْطُور آلَةْ مُوسِيقِيَّة


صَرَّاف آلِيّ

automated teller machinebanking

فَاكِهَة زَهْرَة اَلْآلَام f

passion fruitedible fruit

لُغَة آلَة f

machine languageset of instructions for a computer

متعدد الآلهة

polytheisticof or relating to polytheism

مُجِيب آلِيّ m

answering machinedevice that automatically records voice mail


História vyhľadávania