Angličtina-Španielčina slovník »

heavenly znamená v Španielčina

heavenly (pertaining to heaven)
[UK: ˈ]
[US: ˈhe.və]

celesteadjectiveAstronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. = La astronomía es la ciencia de los cuerpos celestes.

celestialadjectiveA heavenly comfort, I don't know how, takes hold of me. = Un consuelo celestial, no sé cómo, se apodera de mí.

heavenly body (natural celestial body)
[UK: ˈ ˈbɒ.di]
[US: ˈhe.və ˈbɑː.di]

cuerpo celestenoun

Heavenly Father (A formal name for the Judeo-Christian God)
proper noun

Padre Celestialproper noun

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