Angličtina-Španielčina slovník »

amazed znamená v Španielčina

amazed (astonished; confounded with fear, surprise or wonder)
[UK: ə.ˈmeɪzd]
[US: ə.ˈmeɪzd]

asombradoadjectiveEveryone is amazed. = Todo el mundo está asombrado.



amaze [amazed, amazing, amazes] (to fill with surprise, astonish)
[UK: ə.ˈmeɪz]
[US: ə.ˈmeɪz]

asombrarverbShe looked in amazement. = Ella miró con asombro.

pasmarverbThe Tsar, the guests, the servants, even the gray cat sitting in the corner, all were amazed and wondered at the beautiful Vasilissa. = El zar, los invitados, los criados, hasta el gato gris sentado en un rincón, todos se quedaban pasmados y maravillados ante la hermosa Vasilisa.

sorprenderverbI was amazed at his courage. = Me sorprendió su coraje.

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