Angličtina-Nemčina slovník »

vein znamená v Nemčina

facial vein noun

die GesichtsveneSubstantiv

femoral vein noun

die OberschenkelveneSubstantiv

gastric vein noun

die MagenveneSubstantiv

gluteal vein noun

die GesäßveneSubstantiv

hepalic vein noun

die LeberveneSubstantiv

hepatic vein occlusion noun

der LebervenenverschlußkrankheiSubstantiv

hepatic veins noun

die Lebervenen◼◼◼Substantiv

iliac vein noun

die HüftveneSubstantiv

innominate veins


jugular vein [jugular veins] noun
[UK: ˈdʒʌ.ɡjʊ.lə(r) veɪn]
[US: ˈdʒuː.ɡjə.lər ˈveɪn]

die Halsvene◼◼◼Substantiv

die Jugularis◼◼◼Substantiv

jugular (vein) noun
[UK: ˈdʒʌ.ɡjʊ.lə(r)]
[US: ˈdʒuː.ɡjə.lər]

die Drosselvene◼◼◼Substantiv

lingual vein noun

die ZungenveneSubstantiv

mesenteric vein noun

die GekröseveneSubstantiv

pelvic vein thrombosis noun

die BeckenthromboseSubstantiv

die BeckenvenenthromboseSubstantiv

phlebitis of variceal veins


portal vein [portal veins] noun
[UK: ˈpɔːt.l̩ veɪn]
[US: ˈpɔː̩ ˈveɪn]

die Pfortader [der Pfortader; die Pfortadern]◼◼◼Substantiv

pulmonary vein [pulmonary veins] noun
[UK: ˈpʌl.mə.nə.ri veɪn]
[US: ˈpʊl.mə.ˌne.ri ˈveɪn]

die LungenveneSubstantiv

die PulmonalveneSubstantiv

renal vein noun

die Nierenvene◼◼◼Substantiv

renal vein thrombosis noun

die Nierenvenenthrombose◼◼◼Substantiv

saphenous vein


sclerotherapy of varicose veins noun

die VarizenverödungSubstantiv

splenic vein thrombosis noun

die Milzvenenthrombose◼◼◼Substantiv

spur vein noun

die SporaderSubstantiv

subclavian vein


subclavian vein noun

die SchlüsselbeinveneSubstantiv

die UnterschlüsselbeinveneSubstantiv

temporal vein [temporal veins] noun
[UK: ˈtem.pə.rəl veɪn]
[US: ˈtem.pə.rəl ˈveɪn]

die SchläfenveneSubstantiv

die StirnveneSubstantiv

thrombosis of angular vein noun

die Angularis-ThromboseSubstantiv

to vein verb

ädern [äderte; hat geädert]Verb

masern [maserte; hat gemasert]Verb

trabecular veins noun

die BalkenvenenSubstantiv

transposed pulmonary veins


umbilical vein noun

die NabelveneSubstantiv

ureter-ovarian vein syndrome noun

das Ureter-Ovarika-KompressionsSubstantiv

varicose veins noun

die Varizen◼◼◼Substantiv

water vein noun

die Wasserader [der Wasserader; die Wasseradern]◼◼◼Substantiv


História vyhľadávania