Angličtina-Nemčina slovník »

mountain znamená v Nemčina

Ore Mountains noun

das Erzgebirge [des Erzgebirges; —]◼◼◼Substantiv

Rocky Mountain spotted feve noun

das FelsengebirgsfieberSubstantiv

das FelsengebirgsfleckfieberSubstantiv

das Rocky-Mountain-FieberSubstantiv

das Rocky-Mountain-FleckfieberSubstantiv

das Rocky-Mountains-FleckfieberSubstantiv

Rocky Mountains spotted fever


Rocky Mountains spotted fever noun

das ZeckenfieberSubstantiv

sheer mountainside noun

die Bergwand [der Bergwand; die Bergwände]Substantiv

spirit of the Sudeten Mountains noun

der RübezahlSubstantiv

table mountains noun

das Tafelgebirge [des Tafelgebirges; die Tafelgebirge]Substantiv

the Caucasus Mountains noun

der Kaukasus [des Kaukasus; —]◼◼◼Substantiv

to move mountains

Berge versetzen◼◼◼

trip into the mountains noun

die Bergfahrt [der Bergfahrt; die Bergfahrten]Substantiv

woody mountains noun

das Waldgebirge [des Waldgebirges; die Waldgebirge]Substantiv


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