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paradigm znamená v Francúzština

paradigm [paradigms] (example serving as a model or pattern)
[UK: ˈpæ.rə.daɪm]
[US: ˈpe.rə.ˌdaɪm]

paradigme◼◼◼nom {m}The reduction of subsidies to the Cultural Heritage sector requires the adoption of a new paradigm. = La réduction des subventions pour le Patrimoine Culturel exige l'adoption d'un nouveau paradigme.

paradigm [paradigms] (linguistics: all forms which contain a common element)
[UK: ˈpæ.rə.daɪm]
[US: ˈpe.rə.ˌdaɪm]

paradigme◼◼◼nom {m}The reduction of subsidies to the Cultural Heritage sector requires the adoption of a new paradigm. = La réduction des subventions pour le Patrimoine Culturel exige l'adoption d'un nouveau paradigme.

paradigm [paradigms] (way of viewing reality)
[UK: ˈpæ.rə.daɪm]
[US: ˈpe.rə.ˌdaɪm]

paradigme◼◼◼nom {m}The reduction of subsidies to the Cultural Heritage sector requires the adoption of a new paradigm. = La réduction des subventions pour le Patrimoine Culturel exige l'adoption d'un nouveau paradigme.

paradigm leveling noun

nivellement analogiquenom {m}

paradigm shift (change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new one, necessitated by scientific discoveries)
[UK: ˈpæ.rə.daɪm ʃɪft]
[US: ˈpe.rə.ˌdaɪm ˈʃɪft]

changement de paradigme◼◼◼nom

paradigmatic (of or pertaining to a paradigm)
[UK: ˈpæ.rə.daɪm]
[US: ˈpæ.rə.daɪm]


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