Angličtina-Francúzština slovník »

grand znamená v Francúzština

self-aggrandizement (behavior which increases one's own wealth or power, or which is intended to create an appearance of importance)
[UK: ˈsel.ˈfæ.ɡrən.ˌdaɪz.mənt]
[US: ˈsel.ˈfæ.ɡrən.ˌdaɪz.mənt]

autoglorification◼◼◼nom {f}

sell one's own grandmother verb

tuer père et mèreverbe

vendre père et mèreverbe

Six Nations of the Grand River proper noun

Réserve des Six Nations◼◼◼nom propre

teach grandma how to suck eggs (teach an expert)

les oisons veulent mener les oies paître (the goslings want to drive the geese to pasture)verbe


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