Angličtina-Francúzština slovník »

eskimo znamená v Francúzština

Eskimo (language)
proper noun
[UK: ˈe.skɪ.məʊ]
[US: ˈe.skəˌmo.ʊ]

esquimau◼◼◼nom propre
He could sell ice to Eskimos. = Il pourrait vendre de la glace aux Esquimaux.

eskimo◼◼◼nom propre

Eskimo [Eskimos] (member of the Eskimo people(s))
[UK: ˈe.skɪ.məʊ]
[US: ˈe.skəˌmo.ʊ]

Esquimau◼◼◼nom {m}He could sell ice to Eskimos. = Il pourrait vendre de la glace aux Esquimaux.

Eskimo◼◼◼nom {m}

Eskimo (of, or relating to an Eskimo, Eskimos or their language, languages)
[UK: ˈe.skɪ.məʊ]
[US: ˈe.skəˌmo.ʊ]

esquimau◼◼◼adjectifHe could sell ice to Eskimos. = Il pourrait vendre de la glace aux Esquimaux.


Eskimo (group of native peoples)
proper noun
[UK: ˈe.skɪ.məʊ]
[US: ˈe.skəˌmo.ʊ]

Esquimaux◼◼◼nom propre
He could sell ice to Eskimos. = Il pourrait vendre de la glace aux Esquimaux.

Eskimos◼◼◻nom propre

Eskimo kiss (rubbing of one's nose against another's)

bisou esquimau◼◼◼nom {m}

História vyhľadávania