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aggression znamená v Francúzština

aggression [aggressions] (act of initiating hostilities or invasion)
[UK: ə.ˈɡreʃ.n̩]
[US: ə.ˈɡreʃ.n̩]

agression◼◼◼nom {f}There's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. = La frontière est mince entre affirmation de soi et agression.

aggression [aggressions] (hostile or destructive behavior or actions)
[UK: ə.ˈɡreʃ.n̩]
[US: ə.ˈɡreʃ.n̩]

agression◼◼◼nom {f}There's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. = La frontière est mince entre affirmation de soi et agression.

aggression [aggressions] (the practice or habit of launching attacks)
[UK: ə.ˈɡreʃ.n̩]
[US: ə.ˈɡreʃ.n̩]

agression◼◼◼nom {f}There's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. = La frontière est mince entre affirmation de soi et agression.

microaggression (everyday interaction interpreted as aggression)

micro-agression◼◼◼nom {f}

non-aggression principle noun

principe de non-agression◼◼◼nom

war of aggression (military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense, usually for territorial gain and subjugation)

guerre d'agression◼◼◼nom

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