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absence znamená v Francúzština

absence [absences] (fencing: lack of contact between blades)
[UK: ˈæb.səns]
[US: ˈæb.səns]

absence◼◼◼nomNobody noticed her absence. = Personne ne remarqua son absence.

absence du fernom

absence [absences] (inattention to things present)
[UK: ˈæb.səns]
[US: ˈæb.səns]

absence◼◼◼nom {f}Nobody noticed her absence. = Personne ne remarqua son absence.

absence [absences] (lack; deficiency; non-existence)
[UK: ˈæb.səns]
[US: ˈæb.səns]

absence◼◼◼nom {f}Nobody noticed her absence. = Personne ne remarqua son absence.

manque◼◼◻nom {m}In the absence of sufficient data, the survey was given up. = En raison du manque de données, le sondage a été arrêté.

absence [absences] (state of being away)
[UK: ˈæb.səns]
[US: ˈæb.səns]

absence◼◼◼nom {f}Nobody noticed her absence. = Personne ne remarqua son absence.

absence makes the heart grow fonder (When someone or something is far away, one realizes how much one loves or misses them or it)

loin des yeux◼◼◼phrase

près du cœur◼◻◻phrase

chose rarement vue est plus chère; un peu d'absence fait grand bienphrase

conspicuous by one's absence phrase

briller par son absence [verb]phrase