Angličtina-Arabčina slovník »

weaponed znamená v Arabčina

Výsledky: weapon
Radšej hľadám toto: weaponed
weapon instrument of attack or defense in combat



weapon of mass destruction weapon causing large-scale death or destruction

سِلَاح دَمَار شَامِلm

weaponry weapons collectively


bioweapon weapon designed for use in biological warfare

سِلَاح بَيُولُوجِيّm

chemical weapon noxious substance in a delivery system

سِلَاح كِيمِيَائِيّm

cold weapon weapon that does not use explosives or fire

سِلَاح أَبْيَضm

nuclear weapon a weapon that derives its energy from the nuclear reactions of either fission or fusion

سِلَاح نَوَوِيّm

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