Angličtina-Arabčina slovník »

time-critical znamená v Arabčina

critical inclined to find fault


time machine device used to travel in time

آلَة زَمَن

time-lapse photographic technique

تايم لابس

time difference difference of time between measurements

فَارِق اَلتَّوْقِيتm

time capsule sealed container

كپسول زمان

time-out in sports

وَقْت مُسْتَقْطَعm

time bomb bomb with a timeout mechanism

قُنْبُلَةٌ مَوْقُوتَةٌf

time zone range of longitudes where a common standard time is used

مِنْطَقَة زَمَنِيَّةf

free time time when one is not working

خُلُو مِن اَلْعَمَل



وَقْت اَلْفَرَاغm

working time law: time spent at occupational labor


spend time dedicate time to an activity

قَضَى وَقْت

every time at each occasion that


run time time during which a program is executing


injury time additional time played straight after each of the two halves

وَقْتٌ بَدَلُ الضَّائِعm

waste time allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner

ضَيَّعَ وقتاَلْوَقْت

critical thinking application of logical principles

تَفْكِير نَقْدِيّm

critical angle smallest angle of incidence

زَاوِيَة حَرِجَةf

time after time again and again

طورا بعد طور

time and again often; repeatedly

مِرَارًا وَتِكْرَارًا

from time to time occasionally

بَيْنَ ٱلْحِينِ وَٱلْآخَرِ

long time no see idiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time

لَم أَرَكَ مُنْذُ وَقْت طَوِيل

لَم أَرَكِ مُنْذُ وَقْت طَوِيل

لَم نَرَكَ مُنْذُ مُدَّة

at the same time simultaneously|at once|simultaneously

فِي نَفْس اَلْوَقْت

once upon a time traditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales

كَان يَامَا كَان

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