Angličtina-Arabčina slovník »

hand grenade znamená v Arabčina

grenade small explosive device


قُنْبُلَة يَدَوِيَّةf

hand waving argumentation involving approximation

تَلْوِيح بِالْيَدm

hour hand the hand on a clock or watch which indicates the hour

عَقْرَب سَاعَاتm

upper hand ''(idiomatic)'' advantage

اَلْيَدُ الْعُلْيَاf

minute hand the hand on a watch or clock which indicates minutes

عَقْرَب دَقَائِقm

second hand the hand or pointer that shows the number of seconds that have passed

عَقْرَب ثَوَانِيm

grenade launcher weapon that shoots grenades

بندقية قاذفة

second-hand smoke smoke from cigarettes, that any person including non-smokers could breathe in

تَدْخِين سَلْبِيّ

on the other hand from another point of view

من جهة أخرى

من ناحية أخرى

História vyhľadávania