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pokolba meaning in English

pokolba illő (átv)

hell-hag[UK: hel hæɡ] [US: ˈhel ˈhæɡ]

pokolba kíván

wish farther[UK: wɪʃ ˈfɑː.ðə(r)] [US: ˈwɪʃ ˈfɑːr.ðər]

pokolba kíván (valakit)

wish somebody further[UK: wɪʃ ˈsʌm.bə.di ˈfɜː.ðə(r)] [US: ˈwɪʃ ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di ˈfɝː.ðər]

pokolba küld

blast◼◼◼[UK: blɑːst] [US: ˈblæst]

pokolba küld (valakit)

send somebody to blazes[UK: send ˈsʌm.bə.di tuː ˈbleɪ.zɪz] [US: ˈsend ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di ˈtuː ˈbleɪ.zəz]

send somebody to the devil[UK: send ˈsʌm.bə.di tuː ðə ˈdev.l̩] [US: ˈsend ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di ˈtuː ðə ˈdev.l̩]

pokolba küld valakit (átv)

send somebody to the right-about[UK: send ˈsʌm.bə.di tuː ðə raɪt ə.ˈbaʊt] [US: ˈsend ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di ˈtuː ðə ˈraɪt ə.ˈbaʊt]

tell somebody where to get off[UK: tel ˈsʌm.bə.di weə(r) tuː ˈɡet ɒf] [US: ˈtel ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di ˈhwer̩ ˈtuː ˈɡet ˈɒf]

Pokolba veled!

Darn you!◼◼◼

a pokolba

bloody hell◼◼◼

A pokolba is igen!

Hell yeah!◼◼◼

A pokolba vele!

Hang the fellow![UK: hæŋ ðə ˈfe.ləʊ] [US: ˈhæŋ ðə ˈfelo.ʊ]

A pokolba veled!

To hell with you!◼◼◼[UK: tuː hel wɪð juː] [US: ˈtuː ˈhel wɪθ ˈjuː]

a pokolba vezető út jószándékkal van kikövezve

the road to hell is paved with good intentions◼◼◼[UK: ðə rəʊd tuː hel ɪz peɪvd wɪð ɡʊd ɪn.ˈten.ʃn̩z] [US: ðə roʊd ˈtuː ˈhel ˈɪz ˈpeɪvd wɪθ ˈɡʊd ˌɪn.ˈten.tʃn̩z]

Eredj a pokolba!

Go to blazes![UK: ɡəʊ tuː ˈbleɪ.zɪz] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈtuː ˈbleɪ.zəz]

Go to the deuce![UK: ɡəʊ tuː ðə djuːs] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈtuː ðə ˈduːs]

Hogy a pokolba!

How on earth!◼◼◼[UK: ˈhaʊ ɒn ɜːθ] [US: ˈhaʊ ɑːn ˈɝːθ]

How the devil!◼◻◻[UK: ˈhaʊ ðə ˈdev.l̩] [US: ˈhaʊ ðə ˈdev.l̩]

How the dickens![UK: ˈhaʊ ðə ˈdɪkɪnz] [US: ˈhaʊ ðə ˈdɪkənz]

Hogy a pokolba?

How in the world?◼◼◼[UK: ˈhaʊ ɪn ðə wɜːld] [US: ˈhaʊ ɪn ðə ˈwɝːld]

Menj a pokolba!

Go to hell!◼◼◼[UK: ɡəʊ tuː hel] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈtuː ˈhel]

Go to the devil!◼◻◻[UK: ɡəʊ tuː ðə ˈdev.l̩] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈtuː ðə ˈdev.l̩]

Blast you!◼◻◻[UK: blɑːst juː] [US: ˈblæst ˈjuː]

Go to blazes![UK: ɡəʊ tuː ˈbleɪ.zɪz] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈtuː ˈbleɪ.zəz]