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sorsa meaning in Hungarian

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sorsa meg van pecsételve

his fate is sealed◼◼◼[UK: hɪz feɪt ɪz siːld] [US: ˈhɪz ˈfeɪt ˈɪz ˈsiːld]

his doom is sealed[UK: hɪz duːm ɪz siːld] [US: ˈhɪz ˈduːm ˈɪz ˈsiːld]

a sorsa függ ettől

his fate trembles in the balance[UK: hɪz feɪt ˈtrem.bl̩z ɪn ðə ˈbæ.ləns] [US: ˈhɪz ˈfeɪt ˈtrem.bl̩z ɪn ðə ˈbæ.ləns]

biztosítva van a sorsa

be a made man[UK: bi ə ˈmeɪd mæn] [US: bi ə ˈmeɪd ˈmæn]

búsul sorsa felett

bewail one's lot[UK: bɪ.ˈweɪl wʌnz lɒt] [US: bi.ˈweɪl wʌnz ˈlɑːt]

he bewails his lot[UK: hiː bɪ.ˈweɪlz hɪz lɒt] [US: ˈhiː bɪ.ˈweɪlz ˈhɪz ˈlɑːt]

siránkozik sorsa felett

bewail one's lot[UK: bɪ.ˈweɪl wʌnz lɒt] [US: bi.ˈweɪl wʌnz ˈlɑːt]

he bewails his lot[UK: hiː bɪ.ˈweɪlz hɪz lɒt] [US: ˈhiː bɪ.ˈweɪlz ˈhɪz ˈlɑːt]