العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

كُو meaning in بالإنجليزية

كُوشَاد m

gentianThe dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian


kosherin accordance with Jewish law

كُوشِيَّة f

Cushitepertaining to the ancient people of the Horn of Africa

Cushiticpertaining to Cushites

كُوشِيّ m

Cushitepertaining to the ancient people of the Horn of Africa

Cushiticpertaining to Cushites

كُوع m

elbowjoint between upper arm and forearm

كُوعٌ m

elbowpipe fitting


Kufacity in Iraq

كُوفُو m

Kofua city of Japan

كُوفِيَّة f

keffiyehArabian headdress


KuficOriginal Arabic script

KuficRelating to original Arabic script

كُوكَاتِيل m

cockatiela small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest

كُوكَايِين m

cocainethe narcotic


cock-a-doodle-dooimitating the cry of the rooster

كُوكِي m

cookiesmall, flat baked good|biscuit

كُوكِيز m

HTTP cookiepacket of information

كُوكْتَيْل m

cocktailalcoholic beverage

كُوكْتَيْل مُولُوتُوف m

Molotov cocktailsimple incendiary bomb

كُوكْتِيل m

cocktailalcoholic beverage

كُوكْس بَازَار

Cox's BazarCox's Bazar



كُولَا f


كُولَاك m

kulakprosperous peasant

كُولَان m

papyrusplant in the sedge family


Colosseumancient stadium in Rome

كُولُومْبُو f

Colombocapital of Sri Lanka

كُولُومْبِيَا f

Colombiaid=Q739|country in South America

Columbiafemale personification of the USA

Columbiapoetic: America

كُولُومْبِيَا اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّة f

British Columbiaprovince of Canada

كُولُون m

coulombunit of electrical charge

كُولُونِيل m

colonelcommissioned office in the armed services

كُولُونِيَا f

cologneeau de Cologne

كُولِسْتِرُول m

cholesterolan essential component of mammalian cell membranes

كُولِيرَا m

cholerainfectious disease

كُولِيمَا f


كُولْخُوز m

kolkhozfarming collective

كُومَامُوتُو m

Kumamotoa city in Japan