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أَبْيَض meaning in بالإنجليزية


whitebright and colourless

البَحْرُ الأَبْيَضُ الْمُتَوَسِّط m

Mediterranean Seasea between Europe and Africa

الْبَيْت الْأَبْيَض m

White Housethe official residence of the President of the United States of America

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَبْيَض m

White Seaa sea to the northwest of Russia

بَيْت أَبْيَض m

White Housethe official residence of the President of the United States of America

جَزَر أَبْيَض

parsnipthe edible root of ''Pastinaca sativa''

جَزَر أَبْيَض m

parsnipthe plant ''Pastinaca sativa''

خَرْدَل أَبْيَض m

white mustard''Sinapis alba''

خَمْر أَبْيَض m

white winelight coloured wine

دُبّ أَبْيَض m

polar bear''Ursus maritimus''

زَاج أَبْيَض m

zinc sulphateZnSO4

سِلَاح أَبْيَض m

cold weaponweapon that does not use explosives or fire

شَاي أَبْيَض m

white teadrink made with water and leaves

قَزْم أَبْيَض m

white dwarfwhite dwarf star

قِرْش أَبْيَض عَظِيم m

great white shark''Carcharodon carcharias''

نَبِيذ أَبْيَض m

white winelight coloured wine

نَشَم أَبْيَض m
