Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
Brown-féle infoBrownian

brownsk -t -a

Leydig-féle [pl. sejt] infoof Leydig

Leydigsk -t -a

Eustach-féle infoEustachian, of or relating to Eustachio or to the eustachian tube

eustachisk -t -a

Barth-féle sérv [hernia Barthi] infoBarth's hernia, a loop of intestine between a persistent vitelline duct and the abdominal wall

Barth bråck

Gartner-féle járat [ductus epoophorus longitudinalis Gartneri] infoGartner's duct, Gartner's canal, ductus longitudinalis epoophori, a potential embryological remnant in female development of the mesonephric duct in the development of the urinary and reproductive organs

Gartner's gångarinforester av urnjuregången i breda livmoderbanden

Chron-féle betegség infoChron's disease, a chronic inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract

Chrons sjukdom

Gudden-féle köteg [fasciculus mamillaris princeps tegmentumban végződő vékony szakasza] [fasciculus mamillotegmentalis] infomammillotegmental fasciculus, Gudden's tract

vårtkropp-tegmentbana -n vårtkropp-tegmentbanor

Schinz-féle betegség [apophysitis calcanei, osteochondrosis juvenilis calcanei [Sever]] infoSchinz's disease

akillessenförkortning -en -arinfoförbeningsrubbning av hälbenet

Kleihauer-féle próba infoKleihauer–Betke test, KB, laboratory method used to screen maternal blood samples for the presence of fetal red blood cells

Kleihauer–Betke testinfoett snabbt och enkelt fetalt hemoglobintest

Clapton-féle vonal [linea Claptoni] infoClapton line, a greenish discoloration of the marginal gingiva in cases of chronic copper poisoning

Clapton linjeinfogrönaktig missfärgning i tandköttet

Klumpke-féle paresis infoKlumpke's palsy, Klumpke's paralysis, a form of brachial plexus palsy

Klumpkes paresinfoDejerine-Klumpke pares, under förlossningen kan skada på barnets brachiala plexus

Shenton-féle vonal [Shenton's line] infoShenton's line, a curve drawn on an AP view of the pelvis, continues from the inferior border of the femoral neck to the inferior border of the pubic ramus

Shentons linjeinfoses normalt på anteroposterior Rtg bäckenet

Viborg-féle háromszög [trigonum Viborgi] infoViborg's triangle, suboccipital triangle that lying between the posterior greater rectus muscle of the head and the superior and inferior oblique muscles of the head

Viborgs triangel

Wolff-féle cső [ductus mesonephricus Wolffii] infoWolffian duct, mesonephric duct, archinephric duct

wolffska gångeninfoWolfs gång, urnjurgången

Malassez-féle hámszigetek [P: Malassezia globosa, Malassezia restricta] infoepithelial rests of Malassez, ERM, represent a group of cells in the periodontal ligament classically consisting of latent or quiescent structures associated with pathological processes

Malassez epitelrester

Vogt-féle tünetcsoport [cornea guttata senilie et praesenilis] infocornea guttata, CG, the droplet-like changes in the posterior parts of the cornea

cornea guttata

Benedict-féle teszt infoBenedict's test, test for detecting glucose in urine

Benedict test

Baerensprung-féle erythrasma [P: Corynebacterium minutissimum] [erythrasma] infoerythrasma, Baerensprung's disease

Baerensprung sjuka

Corti-féle szerv [hallószerv a fül belső részében] [organum [spirale] Cortii] infoorgan of Corti, spiral organ, the receptor organ for hearing and is located in the cochlea

Cortis organinfocortiska organ, organ i hörselsnäckan

Barton-féle kötés [Bartons bandage] infoBartons bandage, a figure-of-eight bandage supporting the mandible below and anteriorl

Barton bindning

Luys-féle mag [nucleus subthalamicus, corpus Luysii] infosubthalamic nucleus, Luys' body, a small lens-shaped structure located within the diencephalon near the junction with the midbrain

subtalamisk kärna

Sydenham-féle tünetegyüttes [chorea minor, chorea infectiosa] infoSydenham's syndrome, a neurologic disorder that some children experience after rheumatic fever or strep throat

Sydenhams syndrom

Adlercreutz-féle csipesz [egyenes rozsdamentes bélsebészeti acélcsipesz] [T] infostraight stainless intestinal steel forceps, Adlercreutz tweezers

Adlercreutz pincettinforak pincett av rostfritt stal avsedd för tarmkirurgi

Tsai-féle mező [area tegmentalis ventralis] infoventral tegmental area [VTA], in the midbrain situated adjacent to the substantia nigra

area Tsai

Büring-féle kalapács [malleus Buringi] [T]

Bürings hammare

Bitot-féle folt [macula Bitoti] infoBitot's spots, oval, triangular or irregular spots in the conjunctiva in vitamin A deficiency

Bitots fläck

Darier-féle betegség [ceratosis follicularis] infoDarier disease, Darier-White disease, keratosis follicularis, dyskeratosis follicularis

Dariers sjukdom

Menghini-féle biopszia [T] infoMenghini biopsy technique, percutaneous liver biopsy

Menghinibiopsi -n -er

Walkhoff-féle oldat [Solutio Walkhoffi] infoWalkhoff, ChKM, solution makes use of monochlorophenol for root canal disinfection

Walkhoffs lösning

Fordyce-féle angiokeratoma [angiokeratoma Fordyce, angiokeratoma corporis circumscriptum scrotale] infoangiokeratoma of Fordyce, angiokeratoma of the scrotum, angiokeratoma of the vulva


Schwann-féle hüvely [neurilemma, neurolemma] infoneurilemma, neurolemma, sheath of Schwann, Schwann's sheath, the outermost nucleated cytoplasmic layer of Schwann cells [neurilemmocytes] that surrounds the axon of the neuron

nervhinna -n nervhinnorinfodet yttersta skiktet av nervskidan

Krause-féle mirigy [glandula mucosa conjunctivae a kötőhártyában] infoKrause's gland, accessory lacrimal gland, found underneath the eyelid

Krauses körtel

Eberth-féle vonalak [discus intercalaris] [T] infointercalated discs, lines of Eberth, microscopic identifying features of cardiac muscle

glansstrimma -n glansstrimmorinfointerkalerade skivor l. linjer av Eberth

Haller-féle háromláb [tripus arteriosus Halleri] infotripus Halleri, Haller's tripus, celiac trunk, celiac artery, trifurcation of the abdominal aorta in horses, carnivores

Hallers trefotinfobukaortans trifurkation hos häst, karnivorer

Wolfring-féle mirigy [glandulae lacrimales accessoriae] infoWolfring's gland, Ciaccio's gland, small tubular accessory lacrimal gland

Wolfrings körtlar

Henle-féle szalag [falx inguinalis aponeurotica] infoconjoint tendon, the inguinal aponeurotic falx , Henle's ligament

Henles ligamentinfoljumsk falx aponeurotica

Civatte-féle poikiloderma [poikiloderma Civattei] infopoikiloderma of Civatte, skin condition that appears as reddish-brown spots usually on the neck and cheeks

Civattes poikiloderma

Cajal-féle mag [nucleus interstitialis Cajal] infoCajal's core

Cajals interstitiella kärna

Cloquet-féle hernia [hernia Cloqueti] infoCloquet's hernia, a bulge or protrusion of an organ through the structure or muscle that usually contains it

Cloquet brock

Mees-féle jel infoMees' lines, white lines or bands on the fingernails or toenails,a symptom of arsenic poisoning or kidney failure

Mees-linjerinfotvärgående band av naglarna på arsenikförgiftning