Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

havi betegség [menstruatio] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
havi vérzés [från något-valahonnan] [menstruatio] infomenstruation

blödning -en -ar

betegség prognózisa [prognosis] [för något-valamié] infodisease prognosis

förutsägande av ett sjukdoms förlopp

immunglobulin-betegség [morbus immunglobulini] infoimmunoglobulin disease

immunglobulinsjukdom -en -ar

mellékvese-betegség [morbus glandulae suprarenalis] infoadrenal disease

binjuresjukdom -en -ar

Duhring-betegség [adult dermatitis herpetiformis] infoDuhring's disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, caused by a reaction to gluten ingestion

Duhring sjukdom

Gumboro-betegség [P: nfectious bursal disease, IBD, virus] [bursitis infectiosa] infoGumboro, infectious bursal disease, IBD, an acute, highly contagious viral infection in chickens manifested by inflammation and subsequent atrophy of the bursa of Fabricius, various degrees of nephroso-nephritis and immunosuppression

Gumboro-sjukdom -en -ar

moyamoya betegség [moyamoya disease] infomoyamoya disease, a rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder caused by blocked arteries at the base of the brain in the basal ganglia

moyamoyasjukdomeninfomoyamoyasjukdomen, progressiv arteriell ocklusiv sjukdom i hjärnan

szinuszcsomó-betegség [brady-tachy-szindróma] infotachy-brady syndrome, tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome, the heart fluctuates between tachycardia and bradycardia

brady-takysyndrom -et -

anyagcsere-betegség [morbus metabolicus] infometabolic disease

ämnesomsättningssjukdom -en -ar

Hirschsprung-betegség [f.r.] [aganglionosis, Hirschsprung disease, megacolon, colon enlargement] infoHirschsprung disease, certain nerve cells are missing from the muscle layers of part of the large intestine. This causes severe constipation or blockage of the large intestine

Hirschsprungs sjukdominfomedfödd tjocktarmsutvidgning

hatodik betegség [P: herpesvírus, HHV 6] [exanthema subitum, roseola, pseudorubeola] inforoseola, sixth disease, exanthem subitum, an infectious disease caused by certain types of human herpes viruses,causes cold sores or genital herpes infections

roseol -etinfohudutslag: små, runda l. ovala, blekröda till blåröda fläckar

egzotikus betegség infoexotic disease

exotisk sjukdom

Hers betegség [morbus Hers] infoHers disease, glycogen storage disease type VI

Hers sjukdom

guppy betegség [P: flavobaktériumo, Tetrahymena pyriformis] infotetrahymena guppy-disease, slime disease, the guppies are extremely vulnerable [white markings on their sides and tails, twisted fins, low appetite, uncomfortable breathing, fatigue]

torpedsjuka -n torpedsjukorinfofenklibb

Crohn-betegség [morbus Crohn, enteritis regionalis, colitis granulomatosa, ileitis terminalis] infoCrohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, regional ileitis

regional enteritinforegional ileit

Hansen-betegség [P: Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium lepromatosis] [elephantiasis graecorum, lepra] infoHansen's disease, leprosy, affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosal surfaces of the upper respiratory tract and the eyes

Hansens sjukdom

gyulladásos betegség [morbus inflammatoricus] infoinflammatory disease

inflammatorisk sjukdom

neurodegeneratív betegség infoneurodegenerative disease, gradually damage and destroy parts of the nervous system, especially areas of the brain

neurodegenerativ sjukdom

myeoloproliferatív betegség infomyeloproliferative disease, a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by cellular proliferation of one or more hematologic cell

myeloproliferativ sjukdom

baktériumos betegség [infectio bacterialis] infobacterial disease

bakteriesjukdom -en -ar

Landing-betegség infoGM1 gangliosidosis, Landing disease, a rare inherited neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disease that progressively destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord

GM1 gangliosidos -en -er

sinuscsomó-betegség infosick sinus syndrome, sinus node dysfunction, SSS, a disorder of the sinoatrial node caused by impaired pacemaker function and impulse transmission

sjuka sinus-syndrom

motorosneuron-betegség [lateralsclerosis amyotrophica, ALS] infoamyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease, a rare neurological disease that affects motor neurons

motorneuronsjukdom -en -ar

Coats betegség [morbus Coatsi] infoCoats disease, a telangiectatic neovascular disease of the retina

Coats sjukdominfonäthinnelidande

decompressiós betegség [generalizált barotrauma] infodecompression sickness, generalized barotrauma, the bends

decompression sjukdom [DCS]

betegség […pathia] info… sickmess

…siktighet -en -er

depressziós betegség infodepression, major depressive disorder

depressionssjukdom -en -arinfodepressiv sjukdom

anorektális betegség [morbus anorectalis] infoanorectal disease

anorektal sjukdom

bőrbagócslárva-betegség [P: Hypoderma-fajok álcái] [hypodermatosis] infohypodermatosis, infection of cattle, sheep, and humans with larvae of flies of the genus Hypoderma

bromslarvsjuka -n bromslarvsjukor

akut betegség [morbus acutus] infoacute illness

akut sjukdom

iatrogén betegség [morbus iatrogenus] infoiatrogenic disease

iatrogen sjukdom

időskori betegség [morbus senilis] infosenile disease

ålderssjukdom -en -ar

terheléses betegség [pl. csonté, izomé terhelésre] [morbus ex oneratione] infodisease on exertion

belastningssjukdom -en -ar

fogzási betegség [morbus dentitionis] infoteething troubles

dentitionssjukdom -en -ar

hemolytikus betegség [erythroblastosis] infoerythroblastosis, abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the circulating blood

hemolytisk sjukdom

vastagbél betegség [morbus coloni] infocolon disease

colonsjukdom -en -ar

légzőszervi betegség [morbus respiratoricus] inforespiratory disease

andningssjukdom -en -ar

atopiás betegség [morbus atopicus] infoatopic disease

atopisk sjukdom

árva betegség infoorphan disease, a rare diseas

särsjukdom -en -ar

lappa-betegség infodepression due to harsh climate etc. feeling of isolation, fear of loneliness, feeling of loneliness

lappsjuka -n lappsjukorinfodepression p g a hårt klimat o. känsla av isolering, ensamhetsskräck, ensamhetskänsla