Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

felső lábszár [femur] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
felső [juguláris] bevágás [insicura jugularis] infojugular incision

halsgropen superiort på sternum

felső járomizom [musculus malaris] infomalar muscle, malaris muscle, a superficial and fine facial muscle

övre zygomatisk muskel

felső tüdőlebeny [lobus superior, -apicalis pulmonis] infosuperior lobe of the lung

övre lunglob

felső könnypont [punctum lacrimale superior] infosuperior lacrimal point

öppning till övre tårrör

felső hólyagmetszés [cystolithotomia, sectio alta] infocystolithotomy, surgical removal of bladder stones via a lower abdominal incision

öppnande av urinblåsan ovanför blygdbenet

felső gyomorvéna [vena epigastrica superior] infosuperior epigastric vein, two or more venae comitantes which accompany either superior epigastric artery before emptying into the internal thoracic vein

övre magven

felső kisagykar [pedunculus cerebellaris superior] infosuperior cerebellar peduncle, a paired structure of white matter that connects the cerebellum to the midbrain

övre lillhjärnsarmen

felső fülizom [musculus auricularis superior] infoauricularis superior, one of three extrinsic muscles of the ear

övre öronmuskel

felső ikerizom [musculus gemellus superior] infogemellus superior, a small muscle in the posterio-latereal portion of the hip

övre tvillingmuskel

felső állcsont [oss intermaxillare] infomaxilla, the jaw or jawbone, forms part of the nose and eye socket

mellankäksben -et -

felső bordaél [margo superior costae] infosuperior border of rib

övre revbensrand -en revbensränder

felső tarkóél [linea nuchae superior] infosuperior nuchal line of the neck, the most prominent point in the midline on the occipital bone

övre nacklinje

felső könnyvezeték [canaliculus lacrimalis superior] infosuperior lacrimal canaliculus is located in the upper eyelid

övre tårrör

felső homloktekervény [gyrus frontalis superior] infosuperior frontal gyrus, SFG, the medial most gyrus of the frontal lobe's superolateral surface

övre pannlobsvindling

felső bélfodor [mesenteria superior] infosuperior mesentery

övre tarmkex

felső csípőtövis [spina iliaca anterior superior] infoanterior superior iliac spine, ASIS

främre tarmbenstagg

felső üresvéna [vena cava superior] infosuperior vena cava, SVC, a large, valveless vein that conveys venous blood from the upper half of the body and returns it to the right atrium

övre hålvenen

felső farideg [nervus gluteus superior] infosuperior gluteal nerve, a mixed nerve of the sacral plexus that originates in the pelvis

övre glutealerv

felső sarlóöböl [sinus sagittalis] infosagittal sinus, a large vein that runs on the top of the skull from front to back and then splits to carry blood from the brain toward the heart

mittställd blodledare

felső gégeideg [nervus laryngeus superior] infosuperior laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve

övre larygeal nerv

felső ikerkar [brachium colliculi superioris, BrCs] infobrachium colliculi superioris, BrCs, superior colliculus, a structure lying on the roof of the midbrain

övre knäkroppsarmen

felső szemvéna [vena ophthalmica superior] infosuperior ophthalmic vein originates in the superior inner angle of the orbital cavity and travels with the superior orbital artery to drain into the cavernous sinus

övre ögon ven

felső végtagbénulása infoupper extremity paralysis, upper limb paralysis

förlamning av övre extremitet

felső légcsőmetszés [tracheotomia superior] infoupper tracheotomy, an opening surgically created through the neck into the trachea to allow air to fill the lungs

övre trakeotomi

felső ikertest [colliculus superior] infosuperior colliculi, a structure of the dorsal midbrain and are part of the mesencephalic tectum

övre collikelninfoövre fyrhögen

felső tarkóöböl [sinus occipitalis dorsalis] infodorsal occipital sinus

dorsal occipital sinus

felső thalamuszrost [pedunculus thalami superior] infosuperior cerebellar peduncles, SCPs, white matter tracts that serve as the main efferent connections from the cerebellum to the thalamus

övre thalamuspedunkeln

felső orrkagyló [concha nasalis superior] infosuperior nasal concha, a small, curved plate of bone representing a medial bony process of the labyrinth of the ethmoid bone

övre näsmussla

felső ugrócsont [astragalus, talus] infotalus bone, astragalus, ankle bone, one of the group of foot bones known as the tarsus

fotledsben -et -

felső faridegek [nervi clunium superiores] infosuperior cluneal nerves, pure sensory nerves that innervate the skin of the upper part of the buttocks

övre svansnerver

felső gyomorszájideg [nervus cardiacus cervicalis superior, nervus cardiacus superior] infosuperior cervical cardiac nerve, a visceral branch of the superior cervical ganglion, provides postganglionic sympathetic innervation to the cardiac tissue

nerv vid övre magmunnen

felső vállideg [nervus suprascapularis] infosuprascapular nerve, lateral branch of the superior trunk of the brachial plexus

suprascapular nerv

felső pajzsmirigyárok [incisura thyreoidea superior] infosuperior thyroid notch, immediately above the laryngeal prominence, the laminæ are separated by a V-shaped notch

övre sköldkörtel skåra

felső mellkasnyílás [apertura thoracica superior] infothoracic inlet, the superior thoracic aperture, refers to the opening at the top of the thoracic cavity

övre bröstapertur

felső tüdőlebeny [lobus superior pulmonis] infosuperior lung lobe

lungans övre lob

felső gégeideg [nervus laryngeus superior] infosuperior laryngeal nerve, SLN, provides motor innervation to the cricothyroid muscle

övre larynxnerven

felső végtag izmai [musculi membri superloris] infomuscles of upper limb

övre extremiteternas muskler

felső állcsont alatti [inframaxillaris, submaxillaris] infoinframaxillary, referring to a structure or space below the maxillar

inframaxillär -t -a

felső halántéki tekervény [gyrus temporalis superius] infosuperior temporal gyrus, STG, one of three [sometimes two] gyri in the temporal lobe of the brain, located laterally to the head, situated somewhat above the external ear

övre tinningslobsvindling

felső egyenes szemizom [musculus rectus superior] infosuperior rectus muscle, one of the extrinsic muscles of the eye

övre raka ögonmuskeln