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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
svalgantrax -et

torokanthrax [P: Bacillus anthracis] [glossanthrax]infoglossanthrax, disease of horse, cattle accompanied by carbuncles in the mouth and on the tongue

svalgbenstand -en svalgbenständer

garatfog [a táplálékot a garatba való belépésekor felaprítják]infopharyngeal teeth, teeth in the pharyngeal arch of the throat of cyprinids, suckers, and a number of other fish species

svalgdifteri -n infodifteri i svalget

torokdiftéria · torokgyík [P: Corynebacterium dyphtheriae] [diphtheria, diphteritis]infothroat diphtheria

svalgets ringmuskel

a garat felső záróizma [musculus cricopharyngeus]infocricopharyngeal muscle, a semi-circular muscle below the Adam's apple

svalgets sammandragande muskulatur

a garat összeszorító izomzata [musculus constrictor pharyngis superior, medius et inferior]infosuperior middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles, form a muscular sleeve that has a strong internal lining on its fascial aspect [pharyngobasilar fascia]

svalgets slemhinna

a garat nyálkahártyája [tunica mucosa pharyngis]infomucosa of pharynx, mucous membrane, mucous coat, continuous with that lining the auditory tubes, the nasal cavities, the mouth, and the larynx

svalgfascia -n svalgfascior

garatpólya [fascia pharyngis]infofascia of the pharynx, the pharyngobasilar fascia is the part of the middle layer of deep cervical fascia that attaches the pharynx to the skull base

svalgficka -n svalgfickor infofaryngeal påse, gälficka

'garattasak' [bursa pharyngea, recessus pharyngealis, recessus branchialis, recessus tubotympanicus]infopharyngeal bursa, Luschka bursa, above the pharyngeal tonsil, in the middle line, an irregular flask-shaped depression of the mucous membrane

svalgformel -n svalgformler

garatképlet [a garat látványa]infopharynx, the view of the pharynx

svalghåla -n svalghålor

garatüreg [cavum pharyngis, faux, pharynx]infopharyngeal cavity, the cavity of the pharynx

svalginfektion -en -er infoinfektion i svalget

garatfertőzés [infectio phranygis]infopharyngeal infection

svalginflammation -en -er infoinflammation i svalget

garatgyulladás [pharyngitis]infopharyngitis, pharyngeal inflammation

svalgkancer -n svalgcancrar infocc. i svalget

garatrák · torokrák [carcinoma pharyngis]infopharyngeal cancer, throat cancer

svalgkatarr -en -er infokatarr i svalget

garathurut [catarrhus pharyngis]infopharyngeal catarrh, a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of pharynx

svalgkörtel -n svalgkörtlar infotonsill vid nasopharynx

garatmirigy [glandula pharyngealis]infopharyngeal gland, one pair of pharyngeal glands that produce food, especially royal jelly, for the young larvae

svalglymfknuta -n svalglymfknutor

garatnyirokcsomó · garatnyirokmirigy [lymphoglandula pharyngealis]infopharyngeal lymph gland, pharyngeal lymph node, lymph gland in throat

svalgmandel -n svalgmandlar infotonsill vid nasopharynx

garatmandula · torokmandula [tonsilla pharyngea]infopharyngeal tonsil, a collection of lymphoid tissue within the mucosa of the roof of the nasopharynx

svalgmuskel -n svalgmuskler

garatizom [musculus pharyngis]infopharyngeal muscle, onsist of the outer circular layer and the inner longitudinal layer, forms the lumen of the pharynx

svalgmuskulatur -en -er

garatizomzat [musculatura pharyngis]infopharyngeal musculature, the pharyngeal muscles

svalgöppning -en -ar infoingången till svalget baktill i munhålan

toroknyílás · torokszoros [faux, fauces]infofaux, a narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx

svalgpares -en -er

részleges garatbénulás [pharyngoparesis]infopharyngoparesis, partial pharyngeal paralysis

svalgpass -et - infotrång passage l. övergång mellan munhåla o. svalg

garatszoros · szájgarat · torokszoros [isthmus faucium, mesopharynx, pars oralis pharyngis]infoisthmus of the fauces, oropharyngeal isthmus, a part of the oropharynx directly behind the mouth cavity

svalgplexus -en svalgplexa

garatfonat [plexus pharyngeus]infopharyngeal plexus, provides sensory innervation to most of the pharynx

svalgreflex -en -er

garatreflex · gégereflex [reflexio pharyngealis]infopharyngeal reflex, gag reflex, a reflex muscular contraction of the back of the throat, evoked by touching the roof of the mouth, back of the tongue

svalgring -en -ar infoWaldeyerska svalgringen

garatgyűrű [anulus lymphaticus [Waldeyeri]]infoWaldeyer's tonsillar ring, a ringed arrangement of lymphoid organs in the pharynx

svalgtumör -en -er

torokdaganat [tumor pharyngis]infopharyngeal tumor, tumor in the throat

svalgvägg -en -ar

garatfal [paries pharyngis]infopharyngeal wall, the exterior wall of the pharynx consists primarily of 4 muscles

sväljförlamning -en -ar

nyelésbénulás [paralysis deglutitionis]infoswallowing paralysis, dysphagia

svallkött -et infoalltför riklig granulationsvävnad vid sårläkning, dödkött

sarjszövet · túlsarjadzás · 'vadhús' [caro luxurians, granulatio]infocaro luxurians, excess of granulation tissue

svallköttsbildning -en -ar

sarjszövet képződés [granulatio]infogranulation formation

svällkropp, bakre delen av glans

makk hagymája [bulbus glandis]infobulbus glandis, bulb, knot, an erectile tissue structure on the penis

svällkropp -en -ar infosvällkropp i glansen

barlangos test · duzzadótest · merevedő test [corpus cavernosum, corpus erectilis]infocorpus cavernosum, erectile tissue of the penis, along with the corpus spongiosum

svällkropp kring den yttre delen av slidöppningen infosvällkroppar hos kvinnan

erectilis vénafonat a hüvelytornác oldalsó falán [bulbus vestibuli]infovestibular bulbs, bulbs of the vestibule, clitoral bulbs

svällkropp på främre delen av ollonet

makk hosszú része [pars longa glandis]infopars longa glandis, structurally similar to the bulbus glandis, but it has erectile tissue dorsally and laterally only

svällkropp som omger urinröret

hímvessző barlangostestének duzzadt vége [bulbus penis, corpus spongiosum penis]infocorpus spongiosum is the mass of spongy tissue surrounding the male urethra within the penis

svällkropp vid ollonet

makk barlangosteste [corpus spongiosum glandis]infocorpus spongiosum glandis has a dorsal process, which covers the dorsal and lateral sides of the corpus cavernosum penis

svällkroppar som clitoriskroppen

csikló barlangos testjei [corpora cavernosa clitoridis]infocorpora cavernosa clitoridis, corpora cavernosa form the legs of the clitoris, or the crura, which anchor the clitoris to the underlying bone

svällkroppsskänkel -n svällkroppsskänklar infogår ihop o. bildar den dorsala svällkroppen

barlangostest szára [crus penis]infocrus penis, one crus on each side of the penis

svällkroppsvävnad -en -er

duzzadótestszövet [textura corporis cavernosum, textura corporis erectilis]infoswelling body tissue

svällkroppsvävnad vid labia majoras baser

barlangostest a nagyajkak alapjánál [bulbus vestibuli vaginae]infobulbus vestibuli vaginae, a mass of erectile tissue on either side of the vagina united anterior to the urethra by the commissure of bulbs