Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

mandibulär ås betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
ås -en -ar infoincisiv, canin

fogmederszél [arcus alveolaris mandibulae, limbus alveolaris]infothe free margin of the alveolar process of the mandible from which the mandibular teeth emerge

mandibulär dysfunktion

temporomandibularis ízület betegségeiinfotemporomandibular joint diseases

mandibulär ledankylos

állkapocs ízület-ankylosisinfotemporomandibular joint ankylosis, bony or fibrous adhesion of the anatomic joint components accompanied by a limitation in opening the mouth

mandibulär fistel

alsó állcsontsipoly · állkapcsi fogsipoly [fistula mandibularis]infomandibular fistula, fistula in the jaw

mandibulär cyst infomandibulär cysta, käkcysta, mandibular käken cysta

alsó állcsontciszta · mandibuláris cisztainfomandibular cyst, cysts in the mandible can present as functional disturbances caused by bone remodeling and weakening

mandibulär nekros

állkapocs nekrózisinfoosteonecrosis of the jaw, ONJ, a rare but serious condition that causes bone cells in the jawbone to die and the jawbone to poke through an opening in the gums

mandibulär plastik

állkapocsplasztikainfojawplasty, mandibuloplasty

mandibulär kanal

állkapocscsatorna [canalis mandibularis]infomandibular canal, a canal within the mandible that contains the inferior alveolar nerve, inferior alveolar artery, and inferior alveolar vein

mandibulär retraktion

állkapocs hátraugrás [retractio mandibulae]infomandibular retraction, pulls the mandible backwards

mandibulär incisur infomandibular skåra

állkapocsbevágás [incisura mandibulae]infomandibular notch, separates the coronoid process from the condylar process of the ramus of the mandible

mandibulär ramus

állkapocs ága [ramus mandibulae]infojaw stem, mandible stem

mandibulär torus infoupphöjning i underkäkbenet

mandibuláris tórusz [torus mandibularis]infomandibular torus, a bony growth in the mandible along the surface nearest to the tongue

mylohyoid ås

állcsont-nyelvcsonti vonal [linea mylohyoidea]infomylohyoid line, a ridge on the inner side of the mandible

alveolär ås

alveolus gerinc [carina alveolaris]infoalveolar carina, a ridge at the base of the trachea

mandibulär arteriovenös aneurysm infoarteriovenös aneurysm av käke

mandibularis arterio-venosus aneurizma [aneurysma arteriovenosa mandibulae]infomandibular arterio-venous aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, AVM, of the mandible, a rare and potentially life-threatening condition which can lead to massive hemorrhage

oro-mandibulär dystoni infoMeiges syndrom

oromandibularis dystonia blepharospasmussalinfoMeige syndrome, a rare neurological movement disorder, involuntary and often forceful contractions of the muscles of the jaw and tongue, involuntary muscle spasms and contractions of the muscles around the eyes

av mandibulär ursprung

állkapocs-eredetű [mandibular origin]infoof mandibular origin

tandlös flat ås

foghiányos lapos gerinc [crista plana edentulosa]infoedentulous space, a lack of teeth, an area of the mouth that no longer has, or was always missing teeth

mandibulär position i avslappnad muskelton

relaxált izomtónusban felvett állkapocshelyzetinfojaw rest position, taken in relaxed muscle tone

ås på insidan av bifurcatio tracheae

főhörgők nyílása közti taréj [carina tracheae]infoa ridge at the base of the trachea

légcső kettéágazódás [bifurcatio tracheae]infobifurcation of trachea, the division of the trachea