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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
interlobär pleurit

tüdőlebenyek közti mellhártyagyulladás [pleuritis interlobaris]infointerlobar pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura, usually occurring as a complication of a disease such as pneumonia

interlobärt emfysem

tüdőlebenyek közti levegőtartalom [emphysema interlobaris]infointerlobular emphysema, a chronic disease in which the alveoli, become enlarged and eventually collapse, causing blockage to the flow of air

interlobulärt septum

interlobuláris szeptum · lebenykék közötti sövény [s[a]eptum interlobulare]infointerlobular septum, located between the secondary pulmonary lobules, are continuous with both the subpleural interstitium and the peribronchovascular interstitium as well as the more delicate intralobular septa

intermandibulär synkondros

állkapocscsontok közti porcos összeköttetés [synchondrosis intermandibularis]infointermandibular synchondrosis, the smaller part of the intermandibular joint formed by cartilage

intermaxillar dragkraft infointermaxillär traktion

mandibulomaxilláris húzás [maxillomandibular traction]infomaxillomandibular traction, applied to the maxilla and mandible by means of elastic or wire ligatures and interdental wiring or splints

intermaxillär fixering

mandibulomaxilláris fixáció · mandibulomaxilláris rögzítésinfomaxillomandibular fixation, MMF, a fundamental component in the management of facial trauma, reconstruction and orthognathic surgery

intermaxillärknota -n intermaxillärknotor

állközötti csont [os intermaxillare, os incisivum]infoos incisivum, incisive bone, intermaxillary bone, premaxillary bone, the portion of the maxilla adjacent to the incisors

intermediär i glykolysen infoglyceraldehyd-3-P, GAP

glukolízis-intermedier [glicerinaldehid-3-P, GAP]infointermediate in glycolysis include glucose-6-phosphate,, F6P [PPP], G3P [Calvin, PPP], DHAP [PPP, glycerol metabolism, Calvin], 3PG [Calvin, PPP], PEP [C4 plant metabolism, Calvin], and pyruvate [fermentation, acetyl-CoA genesis, amino acid metabolism]

intermediär kallus

intermedier csontheginfointermediate callus

intermediära lesioner vid pinta

intermedier léziók pintábaninfointermediate lesions of the pinta, more extensive lesions [pintids] which gradually change from pink to blue, black or grey and become atrophic

intermediärt handlovben

csüd sugárcsontja [os carpi radiale]inforadial carpal bone, scaphoid bone, the most medial on the proximal [antebrachial] carpal row in carnivores

intermedin -et [IMD] infohormon som bildas i hypofysens mellanlob

intermedin [intermedin, IMD, adrenomedullin-2]infointermedin, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, produced by the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland in certain vertebrates

intermeningeal -t -a

agyhártyák közötti · intermeningeális [intermeningealis]infointermeningeal, situated or occurring between the meninges

intermetacarpal -t -a

intermetatarzális · kézközépcsontok közötti · lábközépcsontok közötti[intermetacarpalis, intermetacarpeus, intermetatarseus]infointermetatarsal, situated between the base of metatarsal bones

intermetacarpal exostos

intermetacarpalis csontkinövés [exostosis intermetacarpalis]infointermetacarpal bone growth, bone growth on the metacarpal

intermitent tandreglering kraft infointermittent ortodontisk effekt

intermittáló ortodontiai erőinfointermittent orthodontic force, intermittent force in ortho, typical for removable appliances: the force drops down to zero if the appliance is removed

intermittent heterotropi infotillfällig skelning

átmeneti sztrabizmus · intermittáló heterotropia [heterotropia intemittens]infointermittent esotropia, a type of strabismus that causes the eye to turn inward

intermittent hydrartros

intermittáló hydrarthrosis [hydrarthrosis intermittens]infointermittent hydrarthrosis, a rare rheumatologic disease characterized by recurrent self-remitting episodes of acute monoarticular arthritis, often with a fixed periodicity, typically affecting the knee or another large joint

intermittent tromboflebit

váltakozó helyen visszatérő thrombophlebitis [thrombophlebitis migrans]infomigratory thrombophlebitis, inflammatory reaction of the vein accompanied by a thrombus

intern bröstkorgven

belső mellkasi véna [vena thoracica interna]infointernal thoracic vein, located deep within the chest, collects blood from the chest wall and breasts and returns it to the heart

intern nackknöl

belső nyakszirti dudor [protuberantia occipitalis interna]infointernal occipital protuberance, an elevated part of cruciform eminence which divides the occipital bone into four fossae: two upper cerebral fossae and two lower cerebellar fossae

intern nervslida

belső idegburok [endoneurium, perineurium internum]infoendoneurium, endoneurial channel, endoneurial sheath, endoneurial tube, Henle's sheath, a layer of delicate connective tissue around the myelin sheath of each myelinated nerve fiber in the peripheral nervous system

intern spermatisk artär

belső ondóartéria · belső ondóütőér · belső ondóverőér [arteria spermatica interna]infointernal spermatic artery,testicular artery, a branch of the abdominal aorta

interna andning

belső légzés [respiratio interna]infointernal respiration, the exchange of gases [oxygen, carbon dioxide] between the cells of the body and the blood by way of the fluid bathing the cells compare external respiration

interna blygdartär

belső szeméremartéria · belső szeméremütőér · belső szeméremverőér [arteria pudenda interna]infointernal pubic artery, the arterial trunk supplying blood to all of the perineal structures inferior to the pelvic diaphragm

interna blygdnerv

belső szeméremideg [nervus pudendus internus]infopudendal nerve,a major nerve in the pelvic region

interna bröst ven

belső emlővéna [vena mammaria interna]infointernal mammary vein, nternal thoracic vein

interna interkostal muskel

belső bordaközi izom [musculus intercostalis internus]infointernal intercostal muscle, nternal intercostals pull down on the rib cage and push air out of the lungs

interna ophthalmomyiasis

Wohlfahrtia magnifica lárvái okozta szemelváltozás [ophthalmomyiasis interna]infoophthalmomyiasis interna, larval infestation of the eye

internal hydrocephalus infopga störd likvorresorption

belső agyvízkór [hydrocephalus internus, hydrocephalus ventricularis, hydrocephalus communicans]infocommunicating hydrocephalus, can still flow between the ventricles, which remain open

internodala banor

idegcsomók közötti ágak [rami internodiales]infointernodal branches

internt transkriberat spacer sekvens

átíródó belső spacer szekvenciainfointernal transcribed spacers, ITS, region within the ribosomal transcript that are excised and degraded during maturation

interoceptiv -t -a

interoceptorokkal kapcsolatos hatás [pl. reflex] [interoceptivus]infointeroceptive, relating to stimuli produced within an organism, especially in the gut and other internal organs

interoreceptor -n -er

interoreceptorinfointeroceptor, a sensory receptor which receives stimuli from within the body, especially from the gut and other internal organs

interosseus nerv

csontközi ideg [nervus interosseus]infointerosseous nerve


csontközi izmok · csontok közötti izmok [musculi interossei]infointerossei muscles, intrinsic muscles of the hand located between the metacarpals

interosseusmuskler av handen

kéz csontok közti izmai [musculi interossei manus]infointerossei muscles of the hand

interosseusmuskler i flathanden

tenyér csontok közti izmai [musculi interossei manus palmares, musculi interossei manus volares]infointerossei muscles of the palm

interparietalt ben

falközötti csont [os interparietale, os epactale, os incae, os apicis]infointerparietal bone, inca bone, a dermal bone situated between the parietal and supraoccipital

interparoxysmal -t -a

interparoxysmusos · paroxysmusok közötti [interparoxysmalis]infointerparoxysmal, occurring in the period or periods between paroxysms

