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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
eldarkramp -en -ar infokramptillstånd som beror på en rubbning av kroppens vätske- o. saltbalans

kazánfűtő görcs · szénlapátoló görcsinfostoker's cramp, stokers spasm, caused by excessive salt loss through perspiration

eldarsjuka -n infovärmesjuka [överansträngning under extrem värme]

fűtőbetegséginfoheat stress disorders

eldmärke -t -n

tűzfolt [angioma, mole, naevus, stigma]infoangioma, benign growths made of blood vessels or lymphatic vessels

eldsmärke -t -n infoblåviolett utbrett födelsemärke ofta beläget i ansiktet

éranyajegy · eres anyajegy · hajszálérdaganat · tűzfolt [f.r.] [haemangioma, angioma capillaris, naevus flammeus, naevus vasculosus]infohaemangioma, small growths made of blood vessels

Antoniuseld-en -ar

Szent Antal tüze [ignis Sancti Antonii] [R]infoSt. Anthony's fire, erysipelas

Axenfeld-Riegers syndrom [ARS]

Axenfeld-Rieger-szindróma [arcus juvenilis, ARS]infoAxenfeld-Rieger syndrome, iris–dental dysplasia

Axenfeld-Schürenberg syndrom infomedfödd återkommande ögonmuskelförlamning

Axenfeld-Schürenberg-szindróma [f.r.] [syndroma Axenfeld-Schuerenbergi]infoAxenfeld-Schürenberg syndrome [ARS], cyclic oculomotor paralysis

Axenfelds anomali

Axenfeld anomália [f.r.] [Axenfelds anomaly]infoAxenfeld anomaly,eye peripheral anterior segment defects

Beckers muskeldystrofi [BMD]

Becker-féle izomdystrophia [f.r.]infoBecker muscular dystrophy, Becker MD, BMD, gradually makes the body's muscles weaker and smaller

Brushfield-Wyatt syndrom infomedfödda neurologiska o. hudfläckar

Brushfield-Wyatt-szindróma [f.r.] [syndroma Brushfield-Wyatti]infoBrushfield-Wyatt syndrome, intellectual disability [port-wine birthmark, paralysis on the side opposite to the causal lesion, cerebral tumor]

Creutzfeldt-Jakobs syndrom

Creutzfeldt-Jakob-szindróma [P: prionfertőzés] [Creutzfeldt-Jakobs syndrom, CJD, morbus Creutzfeldt-Jakobi, spongiform encephalopathy]infoCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD, a rare brain disorder that leads to dementia

dieldrin -et

Dieldrin [Dieldrinum] [R]infoDieldrine, an insecticide

dual dimensionell geldiffusion längs Ouchterloney

Ouchterloney-géldiffúzióinfoOuchterlony double diffusion, passive double immunodiffusion

dubbeldiagnos -en -er infoen form av komorbiditet

dupladiagnózis · kettős diagnózisinfodouble diagnosis,double diagnosis

Duchenne muskeldystrofi

Duchenne izom-dystrophiainfoDuchenne muscular dystrophy, DMD, a condition that causes skeletal and heart muscle weakness that quickly gets worse with time

Duchennes muskeldystrofi

Duchenne-féle izomdystrophia [dystrophia musculorum progressiva, DMP]infoDuchenne muscular dystrophy, DMP

Ellis-van Creveld-syndrom -et -

Ellis-van Creveld-szindróma [f.r.] [chondroectodermalis dysplasia]infoEllis-van Creveld syndrome, chondroectodermal dysplasia, a genetic, autosomal recessive condition, the cartilage converts to bone while growing, dwarfism

Emery-Dreifuss muskeldystrofi [EDMD]

Emery-Dreifuss izomdisztrófiainfoEmery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, causes weakness in the child's shoulders, upper arms, and calves

endotelderiverad endotelderiverat

endotéliumeredetű [endothelialis]infoendothelial, of or relating to or located in the endothelium

endotelderiverad relaxerande faktor

endothelialis relaxációs faktor [nitrogén-oxyd]infoendothelium-derived relaxing factor, EDRF, a strong vasodilator produced by cardiac endothelial cells in response to stress signals

facioskapulohumeral muskeldystrofi [FSHD]

facio-scapulo-humeralis izomdystrophiainfofacioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, muscle weakness and wasting

feldiagnosticerad feldiagnosticerat infofeldiagnostiserad

hibásan diagnosztizált · hibásan kórismézett · tévesen diagnosztizáltinfomisdiagnosed

feldiagnosticerande infofeldiagnostiserande

félrediagnosztizáló · tévesen diagnosztizálóinfomisdiagnosing

feldosera -de -t

helytelenül dozíroz · hibásan adagolinfodoses incorrectly

feldoserad feldoserat

helytelenül dozírozott · hibásan adagoltinfoincorrectly dosed, wrongly dosed


helytelenül dozírozó · hibásan adagolóinfoincorrectly dosing

feldosering -en -ar

helytelen adagolás · hibás adagolásinfoincorrect dosing

fliseldarsjuka -n infoallergisk alveolit, sågverkssjuka, justerverkssjuka, tröskdammslunga

allergiás bronchoalveolitis · allergiás eosinophil alveolitis [alveolitis allergica, pneumonitis hypersensitiva]infoextrinsic allergic alveolitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Freeman-Sheldon syndrom

Freeman-Sheldon szindróma [f.r.] [cranio-carpo-tarsalis dysplasia]infoFreeman-Sheldon syndrome, FSS, 'whistling face syndrome'

Fukyamas kongenitala muskeldystrofi

Fukyama-típusú veleszületett izomsorvadásinfoFukyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy, FCMD

Greenfield filter

Greenfield filterinfoGreenfield filter, used to help capture clots

helveteseld -en -ar infobältros

övsömör · pokol tüze · Szent Antal tüze · zo[o]ster [P: bárányhimlő herpes zo[o]ster vírusa] [herpes zoster, shingles]infoshingles, a painful acute inflammation of the nerve ganglia, with a skin eruption often forming a girdle around the middle of the bod

hjärtmuskeldegeneration -en -er

szívizom degeneráció [myodegeneratio cordis]infomyodegeneratio cordis, heart muscle degeneration

hjärtmuskeldegeneration med fett

szívizom zsíros degeneratiójainfofatty degeneration of heart, fat droplets are found in the myocardial sarcoplasm

hyalin igenkalkade muskeldegeneration av toxisk ursprung

toxikus eredetű hialinos, elmeszesedő izomelfajulás [myodegeneratio hyalinosa toxica calcificans]infohyaline calcified muscle degeneration of toxic origin

hyperplastisk muskeldystrofi

hyperplasztikus izomdisztrófia [dystrophia musculorum hyperplastica]infohyperplastic muscular dystrophy

Jakob-Creutzfeldt-sjukdom -en -ar

Jakob-Creutzfeldt betegség [CJB] [F: prion] [encephalopathia spongioformis subacuta]infoCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD, a rare, rapidly worsening brain disorder that causes unique changes in brain tissue and affects muscle coordination thinking, and memory

jätte cell Warthin-Finkelday

Warthin-Finkelday-óriássejtinfoWarthin–Finkeldey cell, giant multinucleate cell in hyperplastic lymph nodes early in the course of measles. in HIV-infected individuals, in Kimura disease, and of neoplastic [e.g. lymphoma] and non-neoplastic lymph node disorders

kongenital muskeldystrofi

veleszületett izomdisztrófia [f.r.] [dystrophia muscularis congenita]infocongenital muscular dystrophy, one of the variants of muscle weakness disorders presenting early in life during infancy and soon after birth

kongenital muskeldystrofi med laminin a2-brist

kongenitális izomdisztófia laminin a2-hiánnyal [f.r.]infocongenital muscular dystrophy with laminin a2 deficiency, laminin alpha 2-deficient CMD, hypotonia at birth or within the first few months of life, contractures of large joints, elevated serum creatine kinase, CK, levels, abnormal white matter changes