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trachealkanyl enligt funqvist jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
fenestrerade trachealkanylen

ablakos tracheakanül [T]infofenestrated cannula, fenestrated tube, has an opening on the outer cannula, which allows air to pass through the patient's oral/nasal pharynx as well as the tracheal opening

pylorotomi enligt Ramstedt

gyomorcsukló műtéti átmetszése Ramstedt-módszerével [pylorotomia Ramstedti]infoFredet-Ramstedt operation, Ramstedt operation, pyloromyotomy, longitudinal incision through the anterior wall of the pyloric canal to the level of the submucosa, to treat hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

DNA färgningskit enligt Feulgen

Feulgen-reakcióinfoFeulgen reaction, an aldehyde combines with a modified Schiff's reagent to produce a purplish compound