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lår jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
lårbenets trochlea

combcsont térdkaláccsal ízesülő hengere [trochlea femoris]infotrochlea of femur, cranial cartilaginous part of distal femur, for articulation with the patella

lårbensamputation -en -er infotransfemoral amputation

combcsonti amputáció [amputatio transfemoralis]infofemur amputation, removal of the lower leg, the knee and part of the upper leg by cutting across the upper leg bone

lårbensartär -en -er

combartéria · combütőér · combverőér [arteria femoralis]infofemoral artery, main blood vessel supplying blood to the lower body

lårbensblock -et -

combblokkinfobundle-branch block, either a complete or a partial interruption of the electrical pathways inside the wall of the heart between the two lower chambers

lårbenseptum -et -

Cloquet-membran · Cloquet-sövény [s[a]eptum femorale]infoCloquet's septum, a delicate fibrous membrane closing annulus femoralis at the base of the femoral canal

lårbenshalsvinkel minskar till under 120°

combnyak lefelé görbülése [coxa vara]infocoxa vara, a deformity of the hip, whereby the angle between the head and the shaft of the femur is reduced to less than 120 degrees

lårbenshalsvinkeln överstiger 150°

combnyak meredek állása [coxa valga]infocoxa valga, deformity of the hip where the angle formed between the head and neck of the femur and its shaft is increased, usually above 135 degrees

lårbenskanal -en -er infolårkanal

combcsatorna [canalis femoralis]infofemoral canal, located in the anterior thigh

lårbensnerv -en -er

combideg [nervus femoralis]infofemoral nerve, the largest of five nerve branches of the lumbar plexus

lårbenstrekant -en -er

Scarpa-féle femoralis háromszög [trigonum femorale]infofemoral triangle, a wedge-shaped area formed by a depression between the muscles of the thigh

lårbråck -et - infofemoralisbråck, brock som tränger ned i låret

combsérv [hernia femoralis]infofemoral hernia, a protrusion of a loop of the intestine through a weakened abdominal wall, located in the lower abdomen near the thigh

lårets backre hudnerv

comb hátulsó bőridege [nervus cutaneus femoris posterior]infoposterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, is a sensory nerve derived from the sacral plexus

lårets baksida

comb hátulsó tájéka [regio femoris posterior]infoposterior thigh, composed of three muscles [biceps femoris long and short head, semitendinosus, semimembranosus]

lårets fyrhövdade muskel

négyfejű combizom [musculus quadriceps femoris]infoquad muscles, quadriceps femoris, a group of muscles at the front of the thigh

lårets tvåhövdade muskel

kétfejű combizom [musculus bicep femoris]infobicep femoris, a long muscle in the posterior compartment of the thigh responsible for movement at both the hip and knee joints

lårfascia -n

comb izmait borító széles pólya [fascia lata]infofascia lata, arises from multiple superior attachments around the pelvis and hip region

lårfascians spännare

széles combpólyafeszítő izom [musculus tensor fasciae latae]infotensor fasciae latae, TFL, a muscle of the proximal anterolateral thigh

lårkärlens bindvävshölje

comb ereinek kötőszövetes hüvelye [vagina vasorum femoralium]infofemoral sheath, a fascial tube encapsulating the key vascular structures passing through the retro-inguinal space

lårmuskel -n lårmuskler

combizom [musculus femoris]infothigh muscle allow the lower body to bend, flex and rotate

lårmuskelsena -n lårmuskelsenor

combizomín [tendo musculi femoralis]infofemoris muscle tendon, rectus femoris arises from two tendons that originate from the anterior inferior iliac spine and the other from the ridge of the acetabulum, conjoin at an acute angle spreading into the aponeurosis

lårpulsåder -n lårpulsådror

combartéria · combütőér · combverőér [arteria femoralis]infofemoral artery, the main blood vessel supplying blood to the lower body


neuralgiás fájdalom a combban [meralgia]infomeralgia paresthetica, caused by irritation of the nerve, most commonly from entrapment

lårven -en -er

combgyűjtőér · combvéna [vena femoralis]infofemoral vein, a large blood vessel in the thigh

lårventrombos -en -er

combvéna trombózis [thrombosis venae femoralis]infofemoral vein thrombosis, a clot in the long vein in the thigh

bakre lårbensmusklerna infobakre lårmuskel

hátsó combizom [musculus biceps femoris+musculus semitendinosus+musculus semimebranosus]infohind thigh muscle

brott på lårbenshalsen

combnyaktörés [fractura colli femoris]infofemoral neck fracture

circumflexa artär medialt på låret

középső körülívelő combartéria · középső körülívelő combütőér · középső körülívelő combverőér [arteria circumflexa femoris medialis]infomedial circumflex femoral artery [MFCA]

diaphyseos lårbensfraktur

combcsont testének törése [fractura diaphyseos femoris]infofracture of the diaphysis of the femur

djup lårartär

comb mély artériája · comb mély ütőere · comb mély verőere [arteria profunda femoris]infodeep femoral artery, branches off the common femoral artery

djupa lårbensartär

mély combartéria · mély combütőér · mély combverőér [arteria femoralis profunda]infodeep femoral artery, branches off the common femoral artery. It supplies blood to the femur, hip, buttocks and tissues deep in the thigh

främre kutana grenar av låret

elülső combbőr-idegágak [nervi cutanei femoris anteriores]infoanterior cutaneous branches of the thigh

främre lårregion

comb elülső tájéka [regio femoris anterior]infoanterior thigh region

fyrhövdade lårmuskeln

négyfejű combizom [musculus quadriceps femoris]infoquadriceps, the quadriceps femoris muscle

höftlårbens ligament

csípő-combcsonti szalag [tractus iliotibialis]infoiliofemoral ligament, the hip joint is composed of five ligaments, where four are extracapsular and one intracapsula

höger lårbensartär

jobboldali combartéria · jobboldali combütőér · jobboldali combverőér [arteria femoralis dextra]inforight femoral artery, the major blood vessel supplying blood to the legs

höger lårbensblock

jobb comb-blokk [right bundle-branch block]inforight bundle-branch block, RBBB, an electrocardiogram finding, the physiologic electrical conduction system of the heart, specifically in the His-Purkinje system, is altered or interrupted resulting in a widened QRS and electrocardiographic vector changes

höger ytliga lårbensartär

jobboldali felületes combartéria · jobboldali felületes combütőér · jobboldali felületes combverőér [arteria femoralis superficialis dextra]inforight superficial femoral artery, continues from the common femoral artery

hörande till lår

combhoz tartozó [femoralis]infofemoral, belonging to the thigh

hörande till lårben

combcsonthoz tartozó [femoralis]infofemoral, belonging to the femur

knölformigt utskott på lårbenets övre del

dudor a combcsont proximális végén [trochanter]infotrochanter, one of the bony prominences toward the near end of the femur, there are 2 trochanters: the greater one and the lessesr one