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intervertebral jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
intervertebral diskit

gerincoszlop-gyulladás [inflammatio spinae, -columnae vertebralis]infodiscitis, diskitis, inflammation that develops between the intervertebral discs of the spine

intervertebral enkondrom

csigolyák közti porcdaganat [enchondrosis intervertebralis, enchondroma intervertebralis]infoenchondroma of vertebral body, a type of benign cartilaginous bone tumor

intervertebralanestesi -n -er infointraspinal anestesi

intervertebrális anaesztézia [anaesthesia intervertebralis]infospinal anaesthesia, spinal anesthesia, spinal block, subarachnoid block, intradural block, intrathecal block, a form of neuraxial regional anaesthesia

intervertebralledsartros -en -er

intervertebrális ízületi artrózis [arthrosis intervertebralis]infointervertebral arthrosis, intervertebral joint arthrosis

intervertebralt ganglion

csigolyák közötti dúc [ganglion intervertebrale, ganglion spinale]infospinal ganglion contains the cell bodies of all sensory nerve fibers in the spinal nerve

discus intervertebralis inre kärna infotros vara notochordens rest

discus intervertebralis belső magva [nucleus pulposus]infonucleus pulposus, the inner core of the vertebral disc

discus intervertebralis perifera fibrösa brosk

discus intervertebralis perifériás rostos gyűrűje [anulus fibrosus]infoanulus fibrosus, the tough circular exterior of the intervertebral disc that surrounds the soft inner core

diskstenos av foramina intervertebralia

intervertebralis foramenek kötőszövetes és discus okozta szűkülete [stenosis foraminum intervertebralium ab fibrilloque dico]infointervertebral foramen narrowing caused by connective tissue and disc

ingröpning i kotorna som bildar foramen intervertebrale för ryggmärgsutskotten

alsó felső homorú rész a pediculus arcus vertebrae-n [incisura vertebralis]infoincisura vertebralis, vertebral notch, one of the two concavities superior and inferior the pedicle of a vertebra