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SvédMagyar orvosi
interpleural -t -a

interpleurális · mellhátyák közti [interpleuralis]infointerpleural, situated between the pleurae

interradicular ben septum infointerradicular septum

foggyökér közötti alveoláris csont [s[a]eptum interradiculare]infointerradicular septum,s the bone structure located between dental sockets that separates the tooth roots from furcation line to the apical limit of the roots

interradicular ficka

interradikuláris tasak [recessus interradicularis]infointerradicular space, the space between the roots of multirooted teeth

interradikulär -t -a

interradikuláris · gyökérközi [interradicularis]infointerradicular, situated between the roots of a tooth

interradikulär alveolär fiber

gyökérközi rost [ligamentum interradiculare alveolare]infointerradicular fibers, only found between the roots of multirooted teeth, such as premolars and molars

interrenal virilism

mellékvese-virilismus [virilismus interrenalis]infoadrenal virilism, a syndrome in which excessive adrenal androgens cause virilization

interrenalt organ

interrenális szerv [organum interrenale]infointerrenal organ of fish

intersternal synkondros

szegycsonti porcos összeköttetés [synchondrosis intersternebralis]infointersternebral synchondrosis, cartilaginous joint between sternebrae

interstitial keratitis

gümőkóros keratitis intersticialis · gümőkóros szaruhártya-gyulladás [episcleritis tuberculosa, keratitis interstitialis, keratitis parenchymatosa, keratitis tuberculosa]infointerstitial keratitis, inflammation of the tissue of the cornea, the clear window on the front of the eye

interstitial lunginflammation infoinflammation i den emellan lungcellerna liggande bindväven, interstitiell pneumoni

interstitialis pneumonia [pneumonia interstitialis]infointerstitial pneumonia, diffuse inflammatory and/or fibrosing lung disease, either idiopathic or in the context of CTDs

interstitialvätska -n interstitialvätskor infointerstitiell vätska

interstitialis folyadék [fluidum interstitiale]infointerstitial fluid, a fluid outside of the body's cells [extracellular] and outside of the blood vessels

interstitiell cell i testikeln

here interstitiális sejtje [cellula interstitilis Leydigi]infostem Leydig cells, SLCs, located in the testicular interstitial compartment

Interstitiell Cell stimulerande hormon [ICSH]

here sejtjeit ingerlő hormoninfointerstitial-cell stimulating hormone, produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that, in the male, stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to produce testosterone

interstitiell cystit [IC] infokronisk inflammatorisk sjukdom med smärtsamma urinträngningar utan känd genes

interstitiális cisztitisz [IC] [cystitis interstitialis]infointerstitial cystitis, IC, bladder pain syndrome, a chronic, or long-lasting, condition that causes painful urinary symptoms

interstitiell deletion 4q

4q-monosomia [monosomia 4q-syndroma]info4q-monosomy, monosomy 4q-syndrome, a rare chromosomal disorder in which there is deletion [monosomy] of a portion of the 4th chromosome

interstitiell fibros infointerstitiell lungsjukdom

szövet közötti rostszövet képződés [pl. tüdőben] [fibrosis interstitialis]infointerstitial fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, ILD, a large group of diseases that cause scarring [fibrosis] of the lungs

interstitiell implantation

petekamrás megtelepedés [implantatio interstitialis]infointerstitial implantation, the blastocyst lies within the substance of the endometrium

interstitiell koppling mellan blastocyst och desidua

interstitiális beágyazódás [nidatio interstitialis]infointerstitial nidation, interstitial inplantation

interstitiell kronisk cystit

idült interstitialis cystitisinfointerstitial cystitis, IC, a chronic inflamed or irritated bladder wall

interstitiell myosit infovanligast i ländryggen muskler, intramuskulär fibrositis

myositis interstitialis [fibrositis intramuscularis]infointerstitial myositis, idiopathic inflammatory myositis, IIM, diseases of unknown origin that cause muscle inflammation

interstitiell nefrit

interstitiális nefritisz · szövet közötti vesegyulladás [nephritis interstitialis]infointerstitial nephritis, interstitial kidney inflammation, causes inflammation around of the kidneys' tubules

interstitiell neurit

az idegnyalábok közötti kötőszövet gyulladása [neuritis interstitialis]infointerstital neuritis, inflammation of a nerve, also denotes certain noninflammatory lesions of the peripheral nervous system

interstitiell plats

szövet közötti tér [interstitium]infointerstitial space

interstitiell substans

szövetközti állományinfointerstitial material

interstitiell vävnad infomjuk bindväv som fyller ut mellanrummen mellan organ o. i organ

interstitiális szövetinfointerstitial tissue

interstitiellt emfysem

interstitialis emphysema · szövet légtartalmú állapota [emphysema interstitialis]infointerstitial emphysema, air-containing state of tissue

interstitiellt emfysem i perinatalperioden

perinatális időszakban kezdődő interstitialis emphysemainfointerstitial emphysema starting in the perinatal period

intertarsal -t -a

csánk közötti · lábtő közötti[intertarsalis]infointertarsal, between the hock

intertarsal rad

intertarzális sor · lábtő közötti sorinfointertarsal row, row between the metatarsals

intertendinös bursa infoligger mellan två senor

ínak közti ízületi savóshártyával bevont tömlő [bursa synovialis intertendinea]infointertendinous bursa, pes anserine bursitis, an inflammatory condition of bursa of the conjoined insertion of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus

interterritorial substans

interterritoriális állományinfointerterritorial matrix, the intercellular substance of a tissue, as bone matrix, or the tissue from which a structure develops, as hair or nail matrix

intertitiell graviditet

interstitialis terhesség [graviditas interstitialis]infointerstitial pregnancy, an uterine but ectopic pregnancy, located outside the uterine cavity in that part of the fallopian tube that penetrates the muscular layer of the uterus

intertrokantär -t -a infogenom lårbenets muskelfästen

combcsont izomtapadásain keresztüli [pertrochanter]infopertrochanteric, passing through the [greater] trochanter

intertrokantär fraktur

pertrochanter törés [fractura pertrochanterica]infopertrochanteric fracture, starts laterally anywhere on the greater trochanter and exits the medial cortex either proximal or distal to the lesser trochanter

intertubaravstånd -et -

ülőgumók közötti távolság [distantia intertubulare]infointertubular distance, distance between tubes or tubules

intertubulär -t -a

intertubuláris · tubulusok közötti [intertubularis]infointertubular, between tubules

interureteriskt veck

húgyvezeték benyílása által okozott kiemelkedés a hólyagfalban [torus uretericus]infotorus uretericus, Mercier's bar, a band of smooth muscle joining the orifices of the ureter and forming the base of the trigone of the bladder

intervallet mellan diastole o. systole av hjärtat

diastole- és systole közti szakasz [perisystole]infoperisystole, the interval between the diastole and systole of the heart

intervaskulär -t -a

intervaszkuláris · erek közti · eret körülvevő [intervascularis]infointervascular, lying between or surrounded by blood vessels

interventrikulär skiljevägg infointerventrikulärt septum

szívkamrák közötti sövény [saeptum interventriculare cordis, septum interventriculare cordis]infointerventricular septum, ventricular septum, triangular wall of cardiac tissue that separates the left and right ventricles