Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

atelektas -en -er jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
atelektas -en -er infoatelektasis, bristande luftfyllnad, förlust av lungvolym

atelektázia · tüdőelégtelenség [atelectasia]infoatelectasis, a complete or partial collapse of the entire lung or area [lobe] of the lung

absorptionsatelektas -en -er

absorptiós atelectasia [atelectasisa absorptiva]infoabsorption atelectasis

accelerationsatelektas -en -er

gyorsulás okozta atelektázia [acceleration atelectasis]infoaccelerationelectas

lungatelektas -en -er

tüdő-atelektázia [atelectasia pulmonis]infopulmonary atelectasis, the collapse of part or all of a lung, is caused by a blockage of the air passages [bronchus or bronchioles] or by pressure on the lung

resorptionsatelektas -en -er

resorpciós atelektázia [atelectasia resorptiva]inforesorptive atelectasis ,oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli move into the bloodstream and no new air moves in. This causes the alveoli to collapse

skivatelektas -en -er infoskivformad atelektas

Fleischner-féle atelectasiainfoplatelike atelectasis, discoid atelectasis, subsegmental atelectasis, Fleischner lines on chest radiographs [not on CT]